What makes Hashtag17 different from other start-ups?
Hashtag17 (recently rebranded from 90 Dollar Website) is a budding internet marketing company based in Bangalore. It aims to provide full range of business solutions to clients in order to promote their brand leveraging the best of technology and outperform their competitors.
We @ Hashtag17 provide an integrated online marketing solution in the form of Web design & development, SEO, Content Engineering, Social Media Management, Brand Management etc. primarily spanning education & healthcare sector. We are a self-funded company that would help the clients to reach their target audience in a cost effective manner. We believe in delivering high-quality services and value to our clients much ahead of the stipulated timelines. Keeping in mind the objectives and needs of our clients, we make use of the cutting edge technology to execute creatively and deliver high-quality results.
Hashtag17 promises to offer unparalleled growth opportunities to budding entrepreneurs and provide an open platform for the mutual growth and development of the employees in line with the growth of the business as a whole.
Our present team comprises of creative and passionate people in various functional domains such as UI Development, Back-End development, SEO, Content Writing, Branding & Marketing, Human Resources. Every individual in the organizational hierarchy is a vital asset and contributes equally towards the success of the business. All team members understand their responsibilities and take ownership in meeting their deliverables regularly. We also ascertain the fact that employees are the vital assets to organizational effectiveness and work in unison towards their growth and development. Our existing team actually believes in the philosophy of “thinking out of the box”.
We proudly call ourselves a high-growth oriented start-up with high work ethics and core values. We expect that all core employees in their respective domains brainstorm and strategize on innovative ideas in order to increase the organizational effectiveness.
What is the Management style in the organization?
The management style in the organization can be defined as “Participative” as per standard definition in the management books. This further emphasizes that everyone is an input manager and expects employees to give relevant inputs in decision making.
They believe in giving a free edge to all the employees in planning their day-to-day activities and delivering the results within the set timelines. Thereby, micro management is not something that we enforce within our work culture, and do not have a specific technology in place to monitor the working hours of all our team members. It is a close knit structure with more importance on idea sharing in respective domains. Management encourages feedback from all the employees from time to time in various organizational aspects and emphasizes the importance of self-starter and entrepreneurial attitude within employees during the ongoing interactive sessions.
What is our Hiring philosophy?
Our hiring motto revolves around hiring leaders for tomorrow. We are committed towards developing leaders at all levels.
From a prospective candidate perspective, you can ask yourself the following questions-
Am I an innovator?
Do I love creative challenges?
Do I want to take the next big leap in my career path?
Do I have the entrepreneurial stint in me?
Do I have the leadership skills in me?
So, now if you have really answered “yes” to the aforesaid questions, then we would love to connect with you and you can fill in one of our blank chairs in the entrepreneurial journey.
Even while hiring across hierarchies, we invite applications of candidates who can are innovative, and out-of the box thinkers. Candidates with an entrepreneurial mindset and willing to work in a challenging yet self-driven atmosphere are a closest fit for all the profiles in the organizational ladder. Since we believe in a transparent communication, the interview process comprises of a direct interaction with our management team wherein the prospective candidates are detailed about the work culture, entrepreneurial mindset, interpersonal expectation and their career growth within the organization. The candidates are provided a fair chance of understanding the organization in detail, and other profile specific aspects. This implies that we do expect that candidates are transparent in their interview process in expressing their expectation from Hashtag17 and how they envision their growth path in the long run. Candidates should be able to relate to the company vision and how their role fits into the organizational structure. Leadership is one of the qualities that we look forward to in every individual irrespective of the seniority level. We also look forward to a long-term commitment from our prospective candidates.
Hashtag17 provides you the ground where one can actually built upon the leadership skills and enjoy the entire journey of recruiting to developing their team mates to leading them end to end.
What work environment can one expect?
Being a core team member of Hashtag17, one can expect:
• Healthy competitive environment
• Innovative and entrepreneurial spirit amongst employees
• Direct channel of communication between the management and employees
• Open door environment
• Positive work culture
• Roadmap for career growth and development
• Strategies to build on the interpersonal skills
• Opportunity to work on challenging problems and finding the way out to successful completion
• Long-term commitment for entrepreneurs
• Strong adherence to work ethics and core values
• Systematic and professional approach towards achieving the final deliverable
• Team-based activities for refreshment and positive energy
• Good mix of people and work culture
• Building on professional relationships
• Recognition for innovative and competitive ways.
• Work-life balance
Does Hashtag17 have social media presence?
Hashtag17 has its social media presence in the below mentioned platforms. Share/Like/Comment on the following pages and help us to serve better.
- LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/90-dollar-website
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thehashtag17/
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/90dollarwebsite
Our company insights on our official website - https://hashtag17.com
If you feel that you have the entrepreneurial spark within you and align with our business objectives, feel free to submit your detailed profile in our “Career section” and we would love to connect with you for a favourable opportunity with us.