Selling a house is not an easy job. While a lot of emotions and thinking goes into the decision of selling a house, the practical part requires more planning and attention. Immediately after making the sales decision, we feel lost as to where to initiate the process. The first thing that comes to our mind is to look for a realtor who can find a buyer for the property. However, there are many among us who want to avoid paying the realtor fee or to manage without one for any specific reason in particular. We provide here some tips to follow for selling your home without a realtor
1.) While initiating the sales process, it is advised to have a close acquaintance by your side that is aware of legalities pertaining to properties.
2.) Understand from a couple of real estate agents about the current real estate market trends in the area where the house to be sold is located. Understand the probable cost that the house may be sold for and the appropriate time frame he expects this to happen. This will give you a realistic idea about the whole proposal
3.) Find out the appropriate timing to sell your house from other acquaintances. Spill out the information about sales at the right time through appropriate channels which will clinch the deal quickly.
4.) Even good houses look shabby at times depending on the weather conditions. Make the sale announcement during the right season so prospective buyers get impressed with the property right at the first sight
5.) In case the repair or facelift works on the property concerned are scheduled to be done which may raise the value of the property to some extent, provide yourself time for the same. This will help you show the perfect picture to the prospective buyers once the sale announcement is made. If you are currently residing in the house to be sold, clean it as far as possible to make space look a little bigger.
All the above steps will help you project the property in good light. Other things like the vicinity of the property to essential services, access to markets, locality etc., are purely dependent on your conversational and negotiation skills. Plan in advance what to speak and what not to before you start meeting prospective buyers. Keep these things in mind in order to sell the home for cash. If nothing works out, seek the help of a realtor. Happy selling.