How does my life transformed to the passion following from zero dreams?
A story of chasing my passions..
I hate Mathematics, but I want to be an IT Engineer. I don't know music, but I want to sing playing Violin. I don't know to design, but I want to be a Front End Developer.
My Story Begins Here!
I was not reading 'Alchemist' but following. This destiny book inspired and keep on inspiring me to chase my dreams and passions.
I used to read a lot of books and articles in my childhood, not in English, but in my mother tongue, Malayalam. The state board syllabus always restricted me to speak and write English with ease. I love to write great content with great English, but somewhere I am lagging. You know, I used to write stories and poems in my mother tongue. Though this foreign language restricted me to doing so.
Before and After the Biomedical Engineer Title
I hadn't any clue when I received my pre degree mark list, where should I go with a second class. I lost first class for 7 marks (absolutely, I was enjoying my hostel life), thereby lost all the chances to study some premier colleges nearby my home town.
I want to believe in Alchemist here. Though, I was not chasing my destiny, my destiny started chasing me to get it! I got admission in Kerala's leading Polytechnic College for Biomedical Engineering course (honestly, I never knew what I need, what is my passion).
Three years! Enjoyed thoroughly, blasting college life.
I didn't know to dance, but I danced. I didn't know music, but I Sang.
Between, I started loving the core subject, Biomedical. It is much different from other trades; it has a soul which is connected to the human being. If someone asked me to define Biomedical Engineering, I would say, Biomedical Engineering is a science which is bridging the gap between man and his life.
Well, passed out with high scores. Became a certified Biomedical Professional and here is the curtain raiser to the second part.
Village Girl to Metro Girl?
Chennai! The metro city changed me a lot, my perspectives towards life. Happened to see the hills and valleys, rich and poor, innocence and cruelty, much more.
The course did, X-ray and Ultrasound engineering have given a way to get a job in one among the famous cardiac specialty hospitals as a Cath Lab Technician. I wonder, how I managed to work there, almost 3 years. Learned a lot, arteries to veins, life to death.
It was a must to visit, cardiac theater and ICU often, nearby our Cath Lab, which changed the preferences in my life. Happened to see blood filled beating hearts many times, open hearts too. Also, the process of leaving the soul from the body as a straight ECG line. The reason why I left the job, each day is passing of blood and death. Enough!
Product In charge! Next destination. Worked for 3.7 years as the product in-charge of a leading medical equipment company. It was one of the best place I had ever worked.
The Gap (Between My Job and the Dreams)
I always felt a gap between me and my doings. It was not matched ever, ended up giving immense pressure to both the job and the health. Though I was in a higher position in the company, they wish to give higher offers, I totally lost in myself getting the answers.
It was a great time to say Good Bye. I should always remember this company because they were the pillar of what I am today. Their "Objective Measurement Software" was my project later when I did my BS (that too with the help of the company CEO).
Metro Vs Metro
Chennai to Bangalore. It took only 7 hours to reach, but here my life started to chase my dreams and passions without even my knowledge.
I decided to continue my studies. It was the best decision which I took over the years. I have enrolled for the BS from BITS Pilani which gave extensive work pressure among with my Embedded Engineer job. Somehow, passed out with a good CGPA. The interesting part was,
I hate Mathematics, but BITS made me to learn the 5th degree integration too!
A Ray of Hope to My Passions
The BS degree opened my doors towards developing, designing, video making and many more of my passions. I got my new job as a web developer, which showed the way of Digital Marketing opportunities absolutely blends with my passions.
I started my own blog, Trendy Treats, just for a time pass, posted few articles here and there. Later, decided to concentrate on one niche, Family, which encompasses Parenting, Baby Care, Health Tips and Home Made Recipes.
I feel awesome when I finish writing an article with my state board English! And when my followers started reading and commenting on my articles, I feel extra awesome.
This is my journey to reach my passions, and NOW here I am,
I hate Mathematics, but I am a DM Analyst. I don't know music, but I am the DM Manager of a leading Playback Singer. I don't know to design, but I am a Front End Developer.
From a Biomedical Engineer to a Passionate Blogger- Bridging the gap between Studies and Passions.