How to run an awesome content marketing campaign

A couple of weeks ago, a posted content to the 60 Second Marketer blog, which stressed on the truth surrounding content marketing. The post focused on the point that content marketing on its own will not help you to resolve all your problems.
As perfect as content marketing is into converting web visitors to clients, it is just a single tool in the marketer’s strategies. Paid search, direct response, mobile marketing and display ads are some of the other tools used in marketing.
Jason Adler, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, shares his experience in this field.
The big plus from the post I made a couple of weeks ago is that it triggered a desirable discussion among the 60 Second Marketer society. Nevertheless, I missed a major issue that is facing content marketers. And that challenge is within the scope of what your attention is geared towards.
The majority of the content marketers are confronted with the challenge of focusing on a single issue. There is a myriad of parameters that can capture the attention of content marketers.
In situations when you are busy to get e-book, social media campaign, blog post and infographic campaign out the door, it is easy to most critical parameters of your job. As such, it is easy to improve your campaign by concentrating on wrong issues.

Before we discuss issues that you need to focus on, let me have a recap of something important.
CEOs are not concerned with content marketing campaigns. CEO releases a letter before annual report is produced, where it provides a deeper insight on major issues impacting the company and the measures that will be used to address the issues. In this letter, CEO focuses on a single topic depicted below.
Most content marketers focus more on tactics such as blog posts and e-books rather than paying attention to customer acquisition and revenue growth.
The following issues will help you to succeed when running your content marketing campaigns:
• Analyze the Landscape – ask you, fellow workmates, what they consider as the most important areas of focus. Expect most of them to speak in tactics terms rather than objective wise.
• Re-Energize Your Efforts – make sure your staff understands that regardless of the importance of tactics, it doesn’t matter a lot if one fails to focus on the outcome. In this perspective, the desired outcome is to acquire new clients with an objective of optimizing the profits.
• Monitor Your Progress – track the number of times within this week when you deviate from the core objective of acquiring new customers. Focus more on the objectives of growing revenue. Don’t focus more on the tactics. That doesn't imply that tactics are not key or you should keep your eyes off from them. It simply means that you should be more concerned with the end results.
• Does all that add up to you? I hope it does. Keep me informed on your outcomes this week. I will be concerned with your perspective and thoughts on this issue as we sail through the fourth, and last quarter of the year.