How the healthcare space is shaping itself (especially in schools)?
Healthcare has always been a great space since its inception and with changing times, startups from the healthcare industry have brought health care to the table giving it a different meaning altogether and targeting varied audience.

Where organizations such as DocTalk, Consure Medical, Grow Fit, etc. are driving the growth of the healthcare industry in India, thereby expecting the industry to attain double-digit growth, few organizations in the healthcare sector are establishing its mark at school level, empowering students, teachers and parents.
As per the WHO Global School Health Initiative, it seeks to mobilize and strengthen health promotion and education activities at the local, national, regional and global levels. Therefore, organizations from the Healthcare Industry are offering programs to schools that can help not only schools to establish a healthy benchmark but also insure students and their parents with these programs.
Recently, in an article, it was seen that schools governed by the Municipal Corporation in Tirupati, have adopted the e-health solution that includes onsite medical assessment of the students, online reports, tele-consultation with experts, health education at schools and insurance of the students, teachers and parents. This entire health solution was provided by HealthSetGo, a Gurgaon – based organization that has its health-program active across 77+cities in India. The founder the organization Priya Prakash says, “The idea is not to cure the sick, but to prevent it in those who haven’t succumbed to the ill-effects of bad health.”
Health Education in schools ensures to build a healthy nation wherein not only the students, but both the teachers and the parents are a part of this great movement.
Today over 100 schools around the country have chosen to utilize professional services for school healthcare based on the parameters of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics and World Health Organization Growth Charts. Integrated into the school curriculum, the school is provided a monthly calendar for educating each child on topics such as hygiene, nutrition, stress, vision etc. through educational videos and hands-on activities. As part of the program, a carefully selected team of specialist doctors visit the school to test the child's physical, dental, eye and growth parameters. Parents receive reports online and can get a second opinion through the school from the panel of doctors familiar with the child's health history.
According to Prasan Jain, Director of Pathways Group of Schools, who has joined hands with a professional school health system provider, “This is an indication of the prominence we give to children's health and it will help us to uphold our commitment to international standards at our school.”
Healthcare Entrepreneurs are evolving with their services, every day and night. Although the thought of catering to schools and instilling healthy habits from an early age in students in itself is a motivational factor and gives a completely different shape and meaning to the Healthcare Industry.