Top companies who shifted to develop AI-enabled products
As we know Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has become the new rising wave in the ocean of technology. When it comes to technological revolution and empowerment both of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are in trend.
Assume a world of traditional technologies, simple calculators were available to make calculations. They could perform only arithmetic calculations within some range of digits. As advancement in technology occurred, scientific calculators were developed. They were able to perform arithmetic, logarithmic, trigonometric as well as basic scientific calculations. It shows that technologies are being developed day to day. Since the revolution in technologies has created a positive aspect in empowering the technological world.
Many top companies have shifter them to build AI-enabled products. Here are some of them discussed below:
Google: Google has shifted itself to build AI based projects. It has launched “Cloud Auto ML” which helps to make machine learning models for business to provide quality services. This is a platform provided by Google to different companies with complete machine learning products and AI framework. By this service, many businesses can be improved via creating models and training them to improve their product and services An another breakthrough is Google AI. It is a Google’s product aims towards building AI products to provide better customer experience by solving their problems. There are so many API develop by Google to help developers in their work like Image analysis API, Text API, Cloud discovery and many more.
NVIDIA: As Nvidia is well known for developing chips, graphics cards, motherboards for computing and gaming operations. Further with the advancement in technologies, it is now more focused on developing GPUs, these are high powered and efficient graphics processors. Since machine learning models need to be trained with a high dataset and it can only be achieved via GPUs in an efficient time limit. Thus by this way NVIDIA is providing professionals, researchers, and scientists with the power of their processors.
Apple: Siri is a part of Apple Inc. which is an intelligent virtual assistant. It is an AI-based product as it uses, natural language processing, speech recognition and voice recognition to understand the human language and make an interface with them. Now it is going to build more applications on AI and machine learning. Latest AI products of Apple is watchOs, which can track the heart rate, news traffic information and smart home control through it.
Amazon: Amazon is one of the top retail and cloud computing company. It is providing Business oriented AI-based products in the whole world. It has developed Alexa, a virtual assistant capable of providing real-time operations and information. It can be used within smart devices to make them automated. Also, Amazon is transforming itself with advanced machine learning capabilities, recommendation system which is used to recommend similar products based on consumer’s past choices leads to attract more customers. It has integrated AI in various of its business aspects to grow in the market.
Microsoft: Microsoft Azure is a set of cloud services which is used to build, deploy and manage the applications through it. Through Azure, one can develop many intelligent apps through AI and machine learning for real-time analytics. Microsoft AI products are helping in accelerating the business. Moreover, it has invested 1 billion Taiwan dollar to make an AI and research hub in Taiwan. This hub is made with a vision of development so that each and every person can use AI to make a profit from it.
Why shift to AI?
AI has opened many ways where human fails to do any task. It leads to business development and growth to an extent where other technologies can not reach. Wider the implications of AI and machine learning more will be the job opportunities. Enterprises who adopted Artificial Intelligence projects has made high revenue and better customer engagement. It has put a great impact on the industry in terms of development, products, and services. In the competitive world, AI has provided the organizations a leg up over another technology. That’s why most of the companies are shifting to AI.
In the nutshell, AI can be considered as a technological solution to any problem. In terms of customer engagement, market intelligence, the industrial revolution, increasing investment AI is adopted. It has become a center of attraction for marketers as it is used in stock prediction, recommendation system, and virtual assistance. These machine learning business applications are at peak these days. AI is used for the sake of people by delivering effective business solutions, the brilliance of optimization and much more. Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Baidu, IBM, Netflix all leading organizations are emerging more due to AI. It would not be true if we wouldn’t consider it a reality of today, i.e AI.