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Common UX Design Portfolio Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

Common UX Design Portfolio Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

Tuesday July 28, 2020 , 4 min Read

A business portfolio is a tool that can draw customers right away to your business. And if you haven’t spent a great time and efforts on building your UX design portfolios, you might lose the most potential leads for your business and begin experiencing a fall in customer engagement.

Especially in the case of startup businesses, they don’t have enough market exposure and experience to develop appealing portfolios. And in order to impress the customers, they end up with a portfolio that has many pitfalls and is not appreciated by the audience.

Mistakes to Avoid While Designing UX Design Portfolio

Since the newbies aren’t aware of the market trends, they end up committing mistakes while building a portfolio for their business. And if you don’t have an appealing portfolio, you will fail to convince the customer audience and experience falling business growth.

In order to create an ideal UX design portfolio, it is important that you must be aware of the common mistakes which you must avoid. It will definitely help you draw the attention of every website visitor and turn them into loyal customers in the long run. So, let’s explore the common mistakes!

Overuse of Animation

Using animations are a great tool to grab customer’s attention, but excessive use of animations throughout the portfolio performs the opposite role. Excessive use of animations might irritate the website visitors since the users fail to find the relevant projects or other things they are looking for on your portfolio. So, you need to focus on deciding the animations and use them only on relevant positions so that it doesn’t hamper the user experience.

Poor Presentation

Poor Presentation

There are designers who directly take out slides from PPT presentation and insert them as images on the website. This is done to save time and efforts, but it turns out as a deadly mistake. Designers need to emphasize that customers are expecting an appealing experience on your portfolio, then only they will plan about investing in your business. So, focus on presenting things in an organized manner where you use valuable images that are presented in a great way so as to impress the customers.

Lack of Project Context

There are always a few successful projects on which you spent a lot of time and effort and even customers really appreciated that project. Undoubtedly you would love to showcase those projects in a great way so as to convince new customers. 

And while presenting the details of that particular project, you might use many technical terms that most of the website visitors might be unaware of. So, you need to ensure that you use a language and context which any third person can easily understand and know what your project is all about.

Showcasing only the final outputs

Every portfolio includes the screenshots of the final project delivered to the client. But some of them forget that customers aren’t only concerned about the final output, but even wish to know the pain points of the customers, the process and strategies you followed, and everything that took place during the project completion. So, try adding all the screens that were involved throughout the project journey.

Poor Navigation

There are times when you want to add all the projects on your UI design agency portfolio. But having so much stuff on your portfolio page might confuse the customers and they feel lost while browsing through the countless projects and animation you have added on your portfolio. In that case, you need to shortlist the best projects you have because adding limited projects is a better option than adding everything and confusing the user. So, ensure you are offering rich navigation so that users can easily browse through your portfolio and find the impressive projects you have worked upon as of now.

By now, you’ll be aware of the common mistakes that designers commit while creating the portfolio. So, ensure that you avoid them the next time you work upon your portfolio.