Why you should sign up for managed VPS hosting?
VPS hosting plans will allow you to enjoy almost all benefits of dedicated hosting at much lower rates. When you have decided to sign up for VPS hosting, you need to take into consideration some important factors. For instance, you will have to decide whether to buy Linux VPS servers or Windows VPS servers. This will largely depend on the kind of applications you run on the website. Secondly, you will also need to choose between managed VPS hosting and unmanaged VPS hosting solutions.

What is managed VPS hosting?
In managed VPS hosting plans, the responsibility for managing servers and troubleshooting server problems rest with the web host and not the client. This makes managed hosting slightly more expensive compared to unmanaged hosting. In unmanaged hosting, you will be in charge of server maintenance and security. It is good and cost-effective option for companies which have an experienced and technically-sound IT team.
What are the key advantages of choosing managed VPS hosting plans?
When you sign up for Fully Managed VPS Hosting Solutions, you will benefit from cost savings. Although the plans appear to be costlier than unmanaged hosting plans, there are many other factors which outweigh the costs and the option turns out to be cost-friendly in the end. With managed hosting, you will get definite amount of disk space, CPU power, RAM, dedicated IP addresses and bandwidth etc with a full-featured control panel which can be very costly if you were to buy these separately. Moreover, if you face technical glitches at any point of time, you can rely on the provider to help you resolve these instantly for no extra fees. This is both very convenient for clients and beneficial in terms of cost savings.
When you choose managed VPS hosting, you can enjoy ease-of-use. You will not have to be technically proficient to be able to handle these servers. You can completely rely on your provider to take care of the servers for you. You will also not have to configure the servers since the provider handles everything. Whether it is advanced re-configurations or reboots, it will be the providers’ duty.
With managed VPS hosting, you can rely on round-the-clock customer care support from experts. You will be able to run your website seamlessly without any worries. So, any trouble with the site or account or applications will be addressed by your web host. You can have complete peace of mind without worrying about site- administration issues which is common in unmanaged hosting.
Managed VPS hosting is also beneficial because of the high degree of security it offers. There is a team of experts to monitor the security 24x7 making it far more secure than a site which chooses to sign up for Unmanaged hosting. The host will deploy robust security measures to protect the site from intruders and malicious software. There will be proper backups, firewalls, anti spam filters, anti virus detection systems etc for site security.
These are some of the most important advantages which managed VPS hosting can provide its clients. Before you sign up however, it is recommended that you review the Service Level Agreement given by your host to be sure about compensation guarantees, network uptime guarantees etc. Choosing a provider which can give you round-the-clock support is necessary to ensure that your site does not face downtimes. Managed hosting solutions are therefore preferred because you can rely on expert assistance for any technical issues. This is far better than having to get technical help when you are suddenly faced with a glitch. In such cases, you will have to pay much more than you would have to if you were to sign up for managed solutions in the first place.