5 Writing Pearl of Wisdom for New Age Entrepreneurs
New age entrepreneurs need to not only conduct business in newer, more innovative ways but also find avenues of expressing themselves and their personalities in equally unorthodox and alternative ways. Creative Writing in many of its forms could serve as that perfect solution.
New-age Entrepreneurs are an inspired, self-motivated, hungry, discerning lot of individuals who are on a constant hunt for opportunities that can enhance and/or bolster their image, network, and of course, their net-worth! To this end, perhaps they’d be wise to think a little out-of-the-box, to approach life from a slightly alternative standpoint wherein they don’t JUST look into their immediate entrepreneurial ventures and directly-related streams as forms of building their networks & net-worth. Writing, in fact, a slew of different kinds of Creative Writing, presents a goldmine of unexplored and unexploited platforms through which to proliferate a new-age entrepreneur’s vision, ideas, philosophies, achievements, and message. Let us examine how exactly this can be extended.
Many entrepreneurs, especially those who have had a flair and interest in writing, have a brilliant opportunity of becoming novelists. You’d be hard-pressed to find an entrepreneur who has not had an exciting, against-all-odds kind of story, or a reservoir of experiences with situations and people whilst setting up their businesses. All these personal growth stories and anecdotes, characters met along the way and through their individual journeys, can be used as great fiction-material by entrepreneurs and turned into extremely immersive, inspiring and fun novels. Encounters with powerful people, politicians, planners, governments and departments, industries and boards and the myriad of interesting people an entrepreneur meets along the way; it isn’t always possible to write a non-fiction, tell-all book. So why not turn it all into one exaggerated, super-fun, fiction novel with all the twists and turns of a nail-biter! If it hits the mark, there will be another source of personal revenue, and another most interesting dimension to the entrepreneur’s personality!
Another facet of writing that most entrepreneurs will understand insightfully and naturally will be how to best represent oneself to the public. Having ostensibly represented oneself to many institutions, investors, bodies and individuals, entrepreneurs ought to have a firm handle on how to write and put together the most succinct yet impressive and noticeable resumes. Why not turn this inherent knowledge into a skill that one employs to help others, with the imminent possibility of that itself becoming a real money-spinner! It might sound a touch mundane when compared to being a potentially beloved and recognized novelist, but hey, being someone who helps less-informed people with their resumes will certainly bring more good karma in one’s favor, and if it clicks, even more in the cash register than some fairly known novelists could manage!
The eternal debate, to study or to learn on-the-job. The great and enviable fact is that an entrepreneur can help bridge this divide between academia and professional experience more effectively than anyone else. How? By contributing their learnings, understanding, insights, real-world-problems and their solutions, real-world-requirements, by way of curating material for online programs ranging from Entrepreneurial Workshops to Seminars and longer courses even. There is hardly anyone better suited to developing course content than someone who has been through the grind themselves and emerged not only successful but infinitely more enlightened as a result. Think about it. From start-up champion to suave professor! Does have an undeniably nice ring to it doesn’t it?
Would it not be utterly fascinating to read the real-life account of a person such as Elon Musk, the renegade, iconic, new-age entrepreneur and force behind the always-in-the-news electric car giant Tesla? Sure, it would be. Becoming one’s own biographer for most new-age entrepreneurs, pouring their unique struggles and learnings, triumphs and failures, lessons and disruptive ideas into a tell-all factual book would not just make for interesting reading, it would be a hugely inspirational account for upstarts who want to learn, avoid making costly mistakes, even truly test if they have the same fire and passion as is needed to really make it as a successful entrepreneur. Why not be that entrepreneur who enlightens and shakes up the world with your biography?
Finally, of course, there’s blogging. Don’t have the time or wherewithal to become a full-time, long-form writer, no problem at all. Write short, quick yet regular and insightful slice-of-life pieces on your own website, blog, microsite or better still, on one or two of a plethora of platforms most suited to your specific area of business. These short writings have the potential of gathering an immense following, a family, a community that will become loyal to you, stay engaged, and come along with you, in whatever you do – an invaluable asset for an entrepreneur, to enjoy that kind of personal connect with at least a section of like-minded target audience. As a happy by-product, the entrepreneur gets to write, share, discover, and learn from the highly dynamic, engaged, and interactive nature of the blogging world!
New age entrepreneurs need to not only conduct business in newer, more innovative ways but also find avenues of expressing themselves and their personalities in equally unorthodox and alternative ways. Creative Writing in many of its forms could serve as that perfect solution.