How Enterprises Benefit from Custom Software Development
Almost all businesses in the modern world will need or rely upon some software at some point in their lifecycle. In fact, in the UK, businesses of a certain size will soon be required to do so by HMRC in order to make tax and VAT more streamlined.
However, even apart from this, software has multiple uses across business, from calculating profits and payroll to taking payments and arranging shift patterns, not to mention more direct business purposes. The role of software is to try and make life easier. Rather than spending hours pouring over rotas and payment options, software can automate the process of payroll and turn a laborious and time-consuming job into one that is taken care of with a minimum of fuss.
Likewise, content management software can make maintaining and running your website easy, without the need for complex coding or an in-house IT team.
Of course, there is software available to do all of this off the shelf. These packages range in size and affordability and you can try and choose one that best suits your needs. However, this kind of cookie cutter solution is not always the best idea. No two businesses are the same or operate in the same way. Which means that off-the-shelf software often has to be adapted or you put up with the best-fit option.
That’s why custom software development might be a better option.
Why custom software development works for you
Custom software development involves creating tools that work specifically for your business. It is bespoke and made to measure for how you operate, including your individual needs and requirements.
So, why is custom software often the best answer for your business and what benefits does it bring over standard packages?
Avoid the one size fits all problem of off-the-shelf software and get tools that work seamlessly with your business. This will be able to handle every aspect of your daily business without the need for fixes or adaptations. Personalised software can also be designed to be intuitive, growing and changing with your business as it grows.
One of the big problems with ready-made software is that it is difficult to scale. Yes, updates and upgrades are available when your business outgrows the old software but you are consistently faced with the same problems – software that was not designed for you and can either be too restrictive or baggy around the edges. Custom software can be designed to easily scale up or down should you need it. In fact, this is one of the primary goals of any custom software.
Rather than having just one software application, many businesses rely on several to keep things running smoothly. However, using several programmes at any one time can be a hassle. Often the different software does not integrate as they are made by different developers. Which is why having one custom software designed to cover every aspect of your business is often such a good idea.
Developers can also take into consideration the expertise of users, or address extra usage issues, from the outset. As technology develops at an incredible pace, having software that can integrate well with your business makes all the difference.
There’s no avoiding the fact that custom-built software costs more. If you were buying a suit you would expect a tailored and hand-stitched one to be more expensive than an off-the-rack design from the high street. But you would also expect the tailored outfit to fit you much better, be made using better quality materials and last for longer. It’s all about value for money, rather than cost – and the same applies to software.
Custom developers take the time to know what you’re all about and design software accordingly. Therefore it works better and lasts longer, making a big difference to your business. That’s why it can make more sense as an investment.
Now imagine that your suit busts a seam or the lining tears. Wouldn’t it be better to take it back to the tailor that made it and have them repair it, using the same high-quality materials? They will also be able to better advise on how to care for your suit and keep it in great condition than the Saturday sales staff in the high street retailer.
There is a similar level of support and maintenance available from custom developers. Software needs upgrading and care, and it’s always better to get this personalised service from someone with an in-depth knowledge of how it works.
As you can see, there are some very good reasons to choose custom software development. If you would like to know more, or to speak to someone about how it could help your business grow, get in touch with a member of our team.