How to Create Stunning Images for Social Media Post
You might have an in-depth and mesmerizing blog post, but what’s the point if there is not one to read it. Attracting visitors from social media is being the easiest way if you create captivating images for your blog posts.
Social media users love rich media, hence visuals play a vital role in content marketing. No wonder, graphical content has the potential to draw users attention compared to any other form of content.
A famous quote by Napoleon says “A picture is worth a thousand words”
Apparently, advertisers just love those, as more than 30% of the millennial's continuously like to engage with brands on social media to find desired information.
That itself can make you understand the social media’s reach. Obviously, who doesn’t want their post to be seen by the wider audience without putting a hole in the pocket?
Yeah, social media advertising comes cheaper than any other form of advertising. Hence, marketers, bloggers cannot keep their hands off by using some best social media channels in the industry. Obviously, after going through many trials and fails, coming to a conclusion which works best for them.
Having eye-catching social media images can help you in many ways,
- Draws Attention - As said amazing graphics have the ability to draw the attention of users, engaging with your content leaving the rest from their news feed.
- Increase in engagement - A post with graphics always tend to get more engagement and if your images are unique and the idea behind is out of the box than social media will just love you.
- Branding Boost - Creating clean and soothing images by having a certain pattern will make your brand reach further to success.
Create eye-popping Images for Social Media
Doesn’t matter which social media platform you are using, proper branding can be achieved by using only skeptical images which speaks louder about your brand.
In an addition, animated images can do magic and make the content more engaging. And no wonder creating such compelling images takes time but completely worthy of it.
Although while creating those, you should have a few aspects in mind to get the best outcome. Let’s hop into, and see what it takes to create stunning images for social media posts.
Focus on Color Schemes
It’s quite important to choose proper color schemes according to your audience interest. Colors are somethings which makes a lot of impacts, although you can understand the color scheme theory here. Every color used to have their own purposes and effects physiologically.
It’s observed that the flat colors tend not to perform so good in most of the scenarios. Using a couple of colors or some gradient shades will make the images more appealing.
Continuous experiments will help you know which would work best for your business, eventually, business branding or personal branding could be made simpler through it.
Clean Background Images
I am a big fan of having a clean and perfect background image. As minimal things can get you maximum results, so choosing the right one has a big role. You don’t have to choose a very colorful one, although it completely relies on what other colors you are using for the same.
For Instance, if you are a business and selling earphones in black, then probably a color(White), yellow which is completely opposite and complement to it would be a fair idea to go with.
Although it’s not just limited to those, ideas can be explored further to make it an eye catchy image for social media.
Rich Quality Images
High-quality images with clear and creative thought are always lovable. Crisp images which convey the message clearly gets better engagement instead cluttered one, with too much information.
Have a proper color balance and make sure the quality of the image is great before uploading, as most of the social media channels compress the images. If not that would look weird if the quality of an image is not meeting the standards and definitely won’t get any engagement at all.
If images are too large in size, you might want to scale them down using Photoshop or image compression tools like kraken.io
Create Animated GIF’s or Cinematography
On the other hand, when it is compared amongst the visual content, video attracts more. Probably it would take time to create a whole video, but certainly, an animated image entertaining the audience would go handy.
And that can be done easily as there are a lot of tools available online, which would create a simple image and text into animated images or into the GIF’s. And that would be a great choice to attract more visitors from social media as people love those in this era.
Similarly, on the other hand, the whole world is crazy about the memes and I am pretty much sure you don’t want to lose the chance to attract more eyeballs to your post.
You might have already seen plenty of TV shows clips as GIF’s in social media, but as those are most used by the business folks, so might not work well all the time. You need to be creative and creating your own Animated Gif's and Image, with innovative thought to make sense.
For example, brands like Coca cola and Disney use branded Gifs to to promote their brand.
Be Clear with your Goal
Having a vision before attempting something can always make your achieve to the goals easily, as in that scenario you have a proper plan. It would be wise to create your images studying and understanding your audience behavior toward your social media posts.
Experiment things and that would let you know, what kind of images are working best for your business. As you might want to run ad campaigns for your social media post for wider reach and sales.
Use it effectively, so that that will bring you desired ROI. Understanding the intent of that particular social media post will make it perform better.
Add Surprise Element all the time
Being consistent and having a standardized theme for your images are cool, but on the other hand, it’s also important to provide something different all the time.
As having delicious desserts are fine, but you might now want to have it in breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Isn't it?
If that is something for which you nodded your head saying YES, then you might have understood already. Being unique and come up with innovative ideas for your images what probably others are not doing. This will get better results for your social media campaigns.
Surprise element could be anything. Just anything keeping your brand exposure in mind.
Final Words Creating Social Media Images
Although, those are just a few things which makes your social media images more appealing. Keep on experimenting with those will get you a perfect idea, which works best for you.
Make sure you are using the right dimensions for the images for every individual social media channel to look at it’s best. Yes, almost every social media has their own size acceptance in pixels.
Hmm...! Remember, social media has immense potential if the branding had done the right way, keeping the standards in place.
Create Stunning, stay stunning!
So, what point do you want to work on your next social Media campaigns or what tip you can add to the list? The comment box is all yours.