Want to make yourself more productive in this Work from home phase! Read this
Working and managing your official tasks from home during this national emergency period can feel like lethargic sometimes. As we have completely self-isolated ourselves. But I am sure these steps would be helpful.
As we all are already aware of the National Emergency that is going on in the world. And this all is supposed to continue until 31st March. All thanks to the novel Coronavirus. But we cannot help it as the same is a national emergency. We have to self-isolate ourselves as in order to stay protected and to keep our near and dear ones protected.
And now due to this, we all are managing our ''Work From Home.'' In order to stay fecund, there is no need to be physically present in our offices. We can also keep ourselves productive from stating at home as well.
Yes, I am very much aware of the fact that staying high and productive also managing our official tasks from home does become hard work sometimes. As it becomes difficult to stay productive.
As this is the time of National Emergency and we don't have any option other than working from home. So, here we will be discussing some high-end steps to follow in order to get more work done through the home. And these steps are fruitful we can say that because these are followed by us as well: So, let's begin
Yes, you heard that right. Some day you can be working on your sofa, someday it can be your bed. It depends on the work you are trying to finish. For instance, can you complete your graphic designing work lying on the bed all day long? The answer is No. You need proper working space in your home in order to finish the graphic designing work. That's it you got it. Choose your workspace according to the work you are seeking to finish. When you want to compose some article or do some copywriting. You need to look forward to some silent space so that you can focus properly.
Choosing the right workspace in the home is one of the most basic yet the most important part to look forward to in order to stay more productive at home.
This is surely not applicable when you work at your respective offices. But at home, there are a lot of things to keep ourselves distracted. And this happens with everyone. Yes, in fact, it happens to me as well. Working from home makes me lethargic at times. And I end up scrolling down my phone. Yes, these are the types of distractions I was talking about.
So, if your phone is something that distracts you at home. Then, make it a practice to keep your phone in silent or vibration (whatever suits you). And try to look at your respective phones whenever it is necessary. Till the time you are not organizing your working atmosphere, nothing will work for you in regards to your work.
Got that? No? Try this out then. At your home, no one is seeing you. So, how you dress up at your home is actually and completely your choice. But if you try to work by wearing your nightwear then you will feel that you are not getting an adequate mood to work and you will end up feeling lethargic. That's the truth. You can try this anytime. And this actually works. If you are not dressed up according to the work you want to do.
Then, you will not be able to set your mood accordingly. Yes, there is no-one to look at what you are wearing at your home. But try to wear a sophisticated dress while working then you will surely feel yourself energized. Try to wear some good and comfortable dress and then get started to work.
Like in offices, we are committed to working for eight to nine hours. Sometimes even extra hours as well. So, what you need to do here is, don't force yourself to follow the same schedule in your homes as well. After ever one hour or so, take a short break of ten to fifteen minutes. Rejuvenate yourself and then again get back to work.
This way you will become more productive and you will find yourself more focused and less distracted.