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Market Business Online: 9 Simple Ways to Market Your Company

9 Simple Ways to Market Your Company

Market Business Online: 9 Simple Ways to Market Your Company

Thursday July 09, 2020 , 4 min Read

With over 57% of the world’s population logging on to the internet to find products, services, information or simply to connect, you shouldn’t miss out on this prime market. They are out there looking for services that you have to offer. Now the question is, how do you let them know that you exist?

Digital Market

We, a digital marketing company in India, here to answer all your questions. Read on to know 9 simple yet effective ways to navigate your way into the digital market.

Build an Optimized Website

Your website is your biggest USP when it comes to marketing. Build a website that exudes your brand identity. Your content, illustrations, and design speak volumes about your brand. Not only this, but you also need to employ SEO to your website as well. SERPs will be the place where most of your audience will find you. So, optimize your website so that it lands on the first page of the search engine result pages.

Start Blogging

Building an audience for a blog may more time than you expect it to but once built, it will be the most loyal market for your business. Blogging establishes you as a figure of authority in your industry. Offer free information, advice, or talk about the struggles you went through while setting up your company. People love stories, especially those they can connect with. Leverage it for your benefit. This is also a great way to build your mailing list.

Send out emails

Over the years, email marketing has proven to be a sturdy and effective marketing technique. The key to email marketing is to make it as interesting as possible. Your audience will skim through the contents of your email, so you need to catch their attention in those couple of seconds. Include infographics, GIFs, quirky illustrations and so much more.

Hop on Social Media 

New people are joining the social media bandwagon every day. Hence, it is the best place to make an appearance and make yourself known. Plus, social media is a great way to connect to your audience. While you must spend 20% of your time in marketing your content. 80% of your time on social media should be spent engaging with other brands and your target audience.

Paid Social Media and PPC Ads

While this marketing trick is not free, it is certainly the cheapest that can get you the most traction. Facebook and Instagram ads are a great way to reach your target demographic. You can filter your audience through geography, age, marital status, and other metrics. PPC ads are paid features that appear at the top of SERPS without any role of SEO. You can choose the keywords for which you want your ads to appear.

Get Some Influences on Board

Instagram influences are social media celebrities who have a few thousand to a few million followers. You can leverage them to publish promotional content on their page which gives you instant visibility. Since these influences are trusted by their followers, you also get the benefit of a validated referral.

Offer Freebies

This is one of the golden rules of content marketing. People love free stuff and they would stay loyal to you if you keep offering them freebies. It can be a free tutorial or any new information that will be useful to them. If you have the budget for it, you can offer discounts on subscriptions, a gift on their first order, free shipping, or even send out giveaways through an engaging social media contest.

Don’t Miss Out on Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is known as word-of-mouth marketing in traditional advertising. Place links to review websites like Zomato, Google Reviews, etc on your website or wherever you sell your products/services. People always look for reviews before they try something new. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to make your brand known.

Use Video Marketing Wisely

There are millions of YouTube followers so you shouldn’t miss out on a platform that gives you such high visibility. You can make video tutorials, blogs or talk about your brand, introduce your team, etc. Let people know who you are and what you sell through these videos!

Use the power of digital marketing services to its full potential to create awareness for your brand.