How Much Can Salesforce Entry-Level Software Engineers Expect?
Salesforce is today a big name in the market. So much so that lots of fresh graduates and experienced software professionals aspire to be a part of this brand. The reason is simple: Cloud is a big thing in the software technology world today. Whether we talk of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or web-based and mobile apps, Cloud has become a household name for several IT companies today. And Salesforce leads them all.
It’s only natural for these aspiring candidates then who wish to enter the company after undergoing Salesforce certification exam to expect competitive, if not sky-high, salaries. After all, considering the repute the company holds in the industry today, even entry-level software engineers expect and deserve big paychecks. Does Salesforce match up to the industry standards?
Let’s take a look.
Where Does Salesforce Stand at Entry-Level Employee Salaries?
When compared to other big brands in the industry, Salesforce does a fairly well job, actually. The company makes sure that its fresh graduate software engineers who take Salesforce certification programs are offered as close to the amount offered by other competitors in this line. This is clearly suggested by data collected from online resources which states that an Associate Member of Technical Staff (MTS), believed to be an entry-level position, can draw approx. $117,889 per annum at Salesforce. This amount is in addition to stock options worth $19,667 per annum as well as bonus amounting to $11,778.
This data was compared to the salary data collected from another huge Salesforce competitor – Google. It revealed that the top search engine company offered its new software engineers joining at the L3 level (near equivalent to the MTS post at Salesforce) an annual average package worth $124,009 + stock options worth $42,660 p.a. + bonus amount of $21,417.
At least the annual average salary package of both the employees at Salesforce and Google, respectively, don’t seem to differ much. Now, comparing the same pay packages at Salesforce with those of an entry-level employee at Microsoft also revealed roughly the same results. The lowest SDE level at Microsoft offers the worker an average per annum salary package of $105,747, coupled with $28,650 per annum stock options and a bonus worth $21,378.
The company isn’t way behind Apple too (another huge competitor) in the salary race. The latter’s annual salary at entry-level positions is estimated at $118,810 with a stock offer of $27,119 and bonus worth $14, 619. These figures clearly suggest that Salesforce isn’t lagging far behind other tech biggies in the industry when it comes to its salary package offers to entry-level job candidates.
Data Analytics: The Way Forward for Higher Salaries at Salesforce
The company is indeed generous to its new employees and fresh software engineering graduates, who have achieved Salesforce Certification, when it comes to rewarding for talent. After all, the entire industry is facing a huge shortage of talent as far as Cloud technology is concerned. This is why new entrants with Salesforce consultants are being offered hefty pay packages by nearly all tech giants. However, there’s yet another area which Salesforce particularly focuses on – data analytics. The company seems to be leaning more towards a data-centric role. This is evident from the latest hiring trends followed at Salesforce. The company is making vigilant endeavors to enable its customers to analyse cloud databases, visualize spreadsheets and even tweak business data.
This only explains one thing clearly. Salesforce is sending out a clear message to its prospective entry-level, fresh graduate job aspirants – to gain more knowledge and make the field of data analytics their stronghold. Only then can they look forward to even heavier pay packages than what are currently on offer.