SEO Techniques in 2019
Tricks to Get Higher Rank in 2019
Let’s prepare you for online marketing in 2019. How you can make SEO better in coming year, just follow these steps.
Rank Brain
1 Previously Google announced Rank Brain as third most significant ranking factor and I expect that it’ll be even more essential in 2019.
Now you need to know about, what rank brain is and how to optimize it for getting higher rank
It sounds complicated but actually it is not
Rank brain is simply measures user interaction towards particular website/blog/post and accordingly Google give it a rank on SERP.
Let’s understand it with an example
I searched for Chocolate Ice Cream
I clicked on the third result shown in google
I spent time on this website, read its article
Rank brain is going to take note and give this website a boost by pushing its rank up
On the other hand suppose I searched for the same and without even looking I have opened 1st result
I find this article terrible and I bounce from the page and I opened result 4 and find something worthy here then rank brain notice this that people are bouncing from this page continuously and push it down from the 1st result
In this way RankBrain Works
2. Rank Brain and Dwell Time
Dwell Time is how long searchers spend on your page. Average Dwell time to get rank under top 10 google result should be 3 minutes 10 seconds
3. Keywords and Meta-Tags
Previously Google focused on HTML pages to see that how any time a specific keyword is used we can say this that they give 100% attention on pages content. That is why Google crawlers visit pages to see your keywords in Title Tag, Image Alt Text, URL, Description, H1 Tag.
They still look for the same but in a smart way. Now they focus on content and context both
See, Google always works with the aim to show the best result to their searchers and not a keyword stuffed content.
In-depth content rank higher on google and how you can write in-depth content is, publish content atleast 2000 words and cover everything in a particular topic searchers want to know about.
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