Startup Ideas for An Entrepreneur
Successful Business Ideas
Do you feel restless in a 9 to 5 job, wistful that you could come up with your own business venture? Are you considering going the business route? You are not alone! Tens and thousands of people now contribute to the economy of the country by launching their own start-ups every year. The good news is this—starting a business is not rocket science anymore. All you need is a viable idea; with some strong research, financial know-how, and lots of dedication, staring your own business is now within reach for almost anyone who is willing to take a risk and work hard. You could approach a market research company to conduct a survey and research of the market before venturing out.
With the world getting smaller due to the presence of the internet, you could reach out to millions of readers every month through blogging. If writing is your forte, you could try your hand at blogging and monetize it.
If you’re trying to build a freelance business and earn a living from blogging, it’s now easier than ever to get started with writing and publishing online. There are a lot of tools and guides available on the net, through which you could educate yourself on the technicalities of starting a blog.
Candle making (and allied creative business)
Starting a candle making business or other creative business like selling self-made art might seem to be a way for those with a creative bent of mind. You can get started with almost no investment, as the cost of making candles is low and the process is not labor intensive. Candle making is one of the most affordable and convenient ways to start a business from home. You need not invest a huge capital nor would you require any special machinery to start off.
Selling antique furniture
You could capitalize on the opportunity given by the antique furniture market in India. Needless to say, antique furniture has its own history and brings with them their very own grandeur. This would require quite a bit of investment since antiques are not cheap. If you are willing to go big and capitalize on the antique furniture market, then this is for you. You could start by calling dealers in antiques and getting a hang of the costs involved. Buy directly from the source instead of having to go to dealers to buy your product. A market research company would also help you gauge the competition and start accordingly.
Starting a business in the recycling industry can be a profitable business. Recycling in India is a largely untapped area and remains potential as an evergreen niche. As green awareness is increasing day by day, so is the demand for recycled products. This opens a large avenue for smart entrepreneurs to monetize on, and grow it into an empire.
For those who don’t know, recycling is simply the process of making new products from waste products or products that have been used and disposed of. As a green entrepreneur, or “recyclepreneur”, you would get these waste products and recycle it into something useful, and then sell it to the people who disposed of it. In a way, it can also be called upcycling.
Those with a vision can benefit immensely from a trend that is still taking its baby steps.
Wedding planner
The wedding industry is a million-dollar industry in India. Weddings are a huge deal in any society, and you could lend your expertise to a bride in need. Learning the ropes while employed by someone else is a great way to get started in the wedding industry. Event coordination is an entry-level position for many event-management companies, allowing you to gain experience in a stable work environment without the risks of business ownership. Once you have gathered the essential knowledge, you could venture out on your own.
Career and life coach
As a career and personal coach, you’ll work with clients to help them achieve their goals in their professional and personal lives. You will play the role of a mentor, a cheerleader, and a soundboard. You could coach your clients online as well as in your office. You'll spend time listening to their ups and downs and providing them with both business and personal goal orientation and guidance. Generally, certification is not required, but a background and Psychology is a major plus.
Financial advisor
Financial advisors essentially help people manage their money and reach their financial goals. A financial advisor is a broad term for several types of specialists. A certified financial planner generally helps with investing, whereas others help with taxes and so on. If you have got the qualifications, you can help people reach their financial goals, reaching your own financial goal in the process.
Consider hiring a market research company; this move would be advantageous, as you would get all the information needed about current trends, competition and potential customer which would help you get started.
Fitness trainer
As a fitness trainer, you coach and help your client to reach their fitness goals through exercise and diet. Obesity accounts for most of the lifestyle issues people are facing nowadays. Fitness is catching on as more and more people realize the importance of a good lifestyle which includes exercising regularly.
You would require certification, post which you can start giving your services online, or giving private classes in your client’s house, or by opening a gym of your own, according to your budget
Nowadays, it is increasingly easy to start a business from scratch. Business is essentially a self-discovering journey. Be sure yours is good! Before venturing out, do a thorough research, for which you could go to a market research company. A market research company would help you gauge your competition, how your product will work, how it should be positioned and basically, addresses every question you need an answer to.
Ourbusinessladder is a business consulting company, specializing in market research and business advisory. We aim to help people with business ideas and turn them into entrepreneurs.