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Test Case Management Softwares Aiding Business Growth

Test Case Management Softwares Aiding Business Growth

Friday June 26, 2020 , 5 min Read

Every business loves to grow at a faster speed, own more assets, make more revenue and become famous overnight. However, in reality, they have to put in a lot of work and effort just to move one step up on the ladder. In today’s world, where technology has become a huge part of every business through software, gadgets and software, businesses have to put in a little more effort to reap benefits in the end. A lot of businesses are investing in having a good test case management software by their side to make things better when it comes to handling software applications and platforms.

Test Management Software and Business Growth

Sudden transition from paper and pen to smart software is not an easy task. It may take some time to learn the ropes but a software with intuitive user flows and user guide helps fasten the learning curve. Teams have to understand its uses, drawbacks, limitations, maintenance and a lot of other things to utilize it completely. However, the small upfront investment in learning to maintain and use these management software is worth it as it helps you grow your business. Here are some of the ways a lot of businesses have benefited from these softwares:

What is Before Making Test Cases?

In order to maintain software at its best, you have to be aware of the issues or bugs a software has. However, before you start making test cases, you have to do a couple of other things as well. Testers have to understand the software, know its insights, and get to know the expectations of the business. This all needs to be kept in one place but not all testers are not good with managing so with management software gathering things, keeping them at one place and finding them later one becomes easy and more efficient. This gives your team more time to focus on other tasks while the software handles this step for them.

Easy Management of Test Cases

Making a test case for every identified scenario and test case is considered one of the most important steps of software testing. This step helps testers cover the software from every angle to ensure it is built to the point and every developed feature works just right. A test case management software helps the testers design test cases against every identified use case. To ensure homogeneity, software enables re-usability of test cases across the team, so that there is efficient time management. This is one of the features that is simply ahead of its competitor. It also points out a module that has lesser than average number of test cases.This way you can be sure that your customers are receiving the best services and good customer care.

Reporting Identified Issues

Every test case designed and run ends up either showing that everything is working properly or gives you a report about things that are wrong. In the latter case, you get to make a bug report for the identified bugs. . Most of the time, testers and developers are seperate teams so testers are not supposed to make solutions but may suggest a few strategies to developers who fix the bugs. To improve the process, Test management software comes with AI and ML embedded that is good at dropping some solution suggestions as well. Having a software handle this step for you ensures when your customers visit your online presence, they get a smooth and great experience.

Testing the Solutions Implemented

The testing of software is never done in one go. Once the team of developers is done with applying solutions for every reported bug, it is time for testing again. This testing is called regression testing. More and more companies are shifting to automation testing for regression testing. However, for either manual or automated testing, having a test case management software at this step is critical in keeping track of parallel test cycles being executed.. The usage of software at this step helps the company ensure that every feature of their website, chatbot or the software is high quality, the solutions have not messed up any other feature, the flow of the steps is good and customers would be satisfied using it.

Wrapping Up Our Conversation

It seems like a huge task to manage and maintain software but given the trend, companies are left with no option than to go all techy as well. While one may be apprehensive to try on different software and chatbots in the business,  a little investment in time and effort in understanding and applying them may reap great business benefits. 

To maintain a software at its best, you have to be aware of the issues or bugs a software has. However, before you start making test cases, you have to do a couple of other things as well. Testers have to understand the software, know its insights, and get to know the expectations of the business. This all needs to be kept in one place but not all testers are not good with managing so with management software gathering things, keeping them at one place and finding them later one becomes easy and more efficient. This gives your team more time to focus on other tasks while software handles this step for them. 

With much happening in the AI world, It is high time you start welcoming different trendy software in your business depending on your niche to give your customers a pleasant experience and help expand your business too. From test cases management to identifying issues, from reporting to testing again, on cannot ignore the importance of testing tools