How to Tell a Brand Story that will lead to Improved Conversion
Brand Storytelling is the perfect way to enhance your reader's emotional investment in your brand and set you apart from your competitors.
Storytelling has been an integral part of human communication since, ever. In the present digital-age and fast-moving paced society, humanity has become the new offering. With regards to building a business that connects profoundly and creates change, a compelling BRAND STORY is at its heart.
A great story can widely impact the success of your business. It can help you with standing out, catching eyeballs, building trust, energizing your crowd, and attracting individuals closer to your business. Studies have shown despite having a great product or quality service still, there is a need to win loyal customers.
As said by Seth Godin, "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make but about the stories you tell."
Why you should tell a story?
Storytelling is the perfect way to enhance your reader's emotional investment in your brand and set you apart from your competitors. At the same time, you will have to convince your shoppers to buy and increase their long haul. Since stories connect from one person to another, brands, and goods, it would be hard for businesses to prevail without this association.
Considering social media, it has become easier for businesses to present their story to their intended interest group. Find out How?
Since you can attract customer attention for a more extended period. They will see brand messages evolving into stories tailored to you hundreds of times. There is no other medium with such capability unless you have lots of money to spend on TV commercials.
To maximize long-term value to your business, your customers need to trust the brand that entails a clear and consistent story. However, precise techniques can help you build a compelling brand story. So, Forming an emotional connection with a brand will influence buyer ability.
By now you must have understood the power of telling a story. Let us take a look at the points on how to create unique stories and construct a lifelong bond with your customers.
Grabbing the attention of your Audience
For any story, the beginning and end of a story are the parts that are remembered by an audience. Therefore, start your story with a hook - a problem that needs a solution, it will help to keep the readers interested and looking for more.
The world's best businesses have profound stories behind them that bring out more noteworthy reasons and significance in what they do. An intriguing brand story involves three actions that are setting the situation, registering the conflict, and providing a solution.
Simon Sinek also indicate, "Individuals do not buy what you do. They buy why you do it. And what you do, determines what you believe."
Keeping Simple & Straight
Stories allow you to build some authenticity and empathy with your customers since stories help to create connections. Simple stories are more effective. They quickly capture the minds of the audiences. Even though individuals without a doubt love the plot of a mind-boggling story, you do not need to specify exciting twists & turns to make your brand story enchanting.
Just ensure your story is ideologically direct and spins around three primary elements:
- The Beginning should talk about the problems you intend to solve.
- The Middle should talk about how you plan to solve the problem.
- The End should talk about success.
Remember, your story should not end like a road. It should resemble a new beginning and create a sense of coherence.
Keeping Consistency & Truth to the Brand
Be creative, but do not stray too far from what your brand promises. For instance, you change your brand message since you see a contender, either making an impressive website or building up an effective campaign.
On occasions like these, you need to stay consistent with your brand. Otherwise, your customers will not understand what you are striving to convey or sell. Three significant guidelines must follow for a brand story i.e., consistency, perseverance, and control.
Rather than chasing for a perfect story, focus on making it real.
Giving it a Personal Touch
Storytelling should focus on the big picture. You have to make a story from the viewpoint of an individual, for example, loyal co-founder, faithful client, or passionate employee. Keep in mind, the objective of your brand story is to correlate with your customers. Therefore, make sure that people are relating to your tale.
Mooring your business story through real characters will have an immense effect on conversion. Today, several people are making selections based on social issues. They want to do business with an organization that heeds a cause rather than the company itself.
Hence, narrating stories about company missions and how they influence society has become more crucial than ever.
Selling a Story and not a Product
Brand stories are not promoting materials, general advertising, or sales pitches. Recall, people like to do business with their loved ones. If you are considering selling for a broad array, you have to back up your commodity with a story. To accomplish this, you have to sell a story and not a product.
At the point when individuals buy from you, they should feel that they are purchasing a piece of your story. Perhaps, Nike would be a good instance of this. Its story speaks of the driving motivation behind their entire brand. Their message can mean being completely different from each customer, yet remaining equally motivated.
Connecting with Emotional Element
We make choices based on emotions. In brand storytelling, there is a psychology, and affection is an essential element of it.
Professor Gerald Zaltman of Harvard Business School says that 95 percent of our purchase decisions settle in the subconscious mind.
Without an emotional connection, it gets tough to care for anyone. It does not mean that you need to create a fictional character to tell your stories, but you need a human element that enables your audiences to become emotionally connected.
The stories appeal to the irrational mind that gives the target audience different ways to enjoy a brand story. Storytelling can be convincing upon engaging with adequate customer service. They not only improve the shopping experience but can also improve conversion rates and sales.
Technology has allowed us to understand our customers, their patterns, and even human emotions better that trigger the need to buy. Get yourself closer to achieving the ultimate brand goal.