What are Tips to Crack the CAT Exam for an Employee?
Expert Tips to crack from Mbarendezvous
Common Admission Test (CAT) has been hailed as one of the toughest tests to get by. Since most of the students that appear for the exam are university graduates, most people assume it is not for those who are already working.
Against all the basic notions, many of the examinees are employees as well. Since it is understandable that those without a job will have an easier time when it comes to studying. But do not let that deter you.
What to do?
Before we dive into CAT Preparation tips, there are some things you need to keep in mind. To make it easier for you to understand, here is a list of all of these things, in no particular order:
- Do not feel afraid. You will have enough time to prepare either way.
- Make sure that you have your goals right, this will help you to keep your head straight.
- Be prepared for the hustle. Since you work, you will have to work pretty hard.
With that said, if you know what you want, it should be easy for you. The last point from the aforementioned steps is one of the most important ones. At times you will feel that you cannot, thanks to the hectic to and fro between studies and work, but a little hard work for some months will help you crack the CAT Exam.
Tips to help you to crack the CAT exam as an employee
Let’s get down to the most important things. This list summaries some of the primary things you would need to do, and to be honest they aren’t that different from what you would have done if you weren’t an employee.
Let’s dive in:
Make sure you know the syllabus
The first thing to do before you start prepping for your CAT Exam is to know what you will have to study. Knowing what you have to get in will help you to keep your head on the things that need to be taken care of.
The benefit of knowing your syllabus will help you to prepare what you need to know, and where you would have to put an extra effort.
Keep a schedule
Once you are aware of the syllabus, you need to make sure that you know what you are doing. The usual go with the flow will not help you out. Sure, that would make you feel a bit at ease since the CAT exam is tough, but when your CAT Exam comes around you may be bordering on anxiety and panic.
To ensure that you are prepared for the exam, you will have to start with putting together an entire schedule starting from your morning to your sleeping time will help you. Here is what you need to do:
- Make sure that you put your day in place. Start with your morning cup of coffee (or tea, whichever you prefer) and go on to piece the day together.
- Stick to your schedule.
- Make sure you start early since you have a job and may come across small bumps along the days to come, compensate for it by starting early.
- Do not procrastinate when you are creating your schedule or even getting through it. Only the first few days are hard.
- Also, know your traveling schedule, keep track of meetings and everything that is happening in the office. This will help you keep a tight schedule.
With that in mind, make sure that you know where you are headed and plan your days according to the next. Additionally, remember to check in with your supervisors. Be honest when you can’t do certain things.
Try to socialize as much as required
When you work, you sort of getting used to your life around your work. Mornings may always be filled with a hurry to leave for the office, running errands on your way back and going out with friends at night. All so good, right?
Well when you are preparing for your CAT exam, one of the best CAT Preparation tips is to make sure you divide your time carefully. If you are to go out with friends tomorrow night, make sure that you compensate for it on the weekend. Figure out what works for you without making it hard for your studies. Going out and relaxing from time to time, will keep your head fresh when you have to study.
Stay Active
All work and no play will definitely sap the energy out of you. However, if you are in a mood to make things easier for you, you should try keeping yourself active. And work does not count as an activity. According to studies, people who workout a bit are healthier and have better concentration.
So, if you wish to concentrate better on your studies pick up an activity. You could try to do some cardio in the mornings or you could pick up running. You do not have to go all out, just enough to keep your body moving. Light activities keep your energies high.
Remember to eat healthy food
Sure enough, most of us are fast food lovers. Weekends may mostly be spent with friends, probably eating chips and drinking out and about. However, when you are preparing for an exam consider making a change in your diet. Try to keep your foods healthy.
Steer away from oily food options. Also, make sure that you plenty of water during the days. In the end, the healthier your body is, better will be your concentration.
Some other helpful tips
- Consider taking care of your sleep cycles.
- Ensure that you finish your course before the exam with enough time to revise.
- On your exam day, make sure that you take enough water.
- Remember to memorize the things you can’t remember. Try coming up with a fun code.
With all of that, your exam should be easy. However, for you to ensure that your CAT exam results are good, put in the hard work when required.