Why Python
Python is the fourth most popular language, behind old classics Java, C, and C++
According to the Micropyramid analysis, most of the web applications in recent days prefer python. Did you know the most popular introductory teaching language in U.S. universities is Python. As per IEEE survey, Python is the fourth most popular language, behind old classics Java, C, and C++.
Easy to use, powerful, and versatile, made Python to be a great choice for beginners and experts alike . When compared to Java or C++, the syntax in Python helps the programmers to do coding in fewer steps. The readability of Python makes it to be a great first programming language and it makes you to think like a programmer and it doesn't waste your time understanding the mysterious syntax that other programming languages require.
To know more about our services: https://bit.ly/2HCQrpO
Some of the best factors of the Python are:
●Designed to be easy to learn and master
○Clean, clear syntax
○Very few keywords
●Highly portable
○Runs almost anywhere — high end servers and workstations, down to windows CE
○Uses machine independent byte-codes
○Designed to be extensible using C/C++, allowing access to many external libraries
○Reduced development time(code is 2–10x shorter than C, C++, Java)
○Improved program maintenance
We at Micropyramid can help you with the below:
• End — End Product development (Python, Django, Angular, react, Postgres, mysql, mon-godb, iOS, Android, React Native, AWS, Google Cloud, AZURE, Elasticsearch, web scrap-ing and more)
• Cloud (AWS certified consulting partner, Google cloud & AZURE)
• IoT
• Mobile Development (iOS, Android, React Native)
• DevOps (Docker, CI/CD, Ansible)
• QA Automation
• SalesForce
Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://micropyramid.com