Our weekly review of opportunities. Want us to post a job or an opportunity, drop us a word at [email protected]
- UnLtd India is an innovative foundation that exists to be a home for early-stage social entrepreneurs in India. It finds funds and supports exceptional individuals to enable them to develop as leaders, start up sustainable, high-impact initiatives, and prepare their fledgling organisations for further investment. They currently are looking for an Associate in the Incubation Team (more info here) and also an Administrator (more info here), both positions based in their Mumbai office.
- NS Raghavan Center for Entrepreneurial Learning (NSRCEL) is part of the prestigious Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, with a vision “to be a world-class center of excellence for seeding, nurturing and promoting entrepreneurship with emphasis on start-ups and existing organizations with high growth potential”. NSRCEL is engaged in business incubation, teaching, training and research in entrepreneurship.They are looking for a Chief Operating Officer (COO). Please click here for more information.
- Endeavor is a non-profit organization that offers high-impact entrepreneurs the support and tools they need to scale. They are currently looking for a Managing Director to Head thier India office. More details are available here
- We had mentioned recently about the Teach India initiative launched by the Times Group. They are looking for ook for selfless individuals to come forward and help change the future of a child forever, by giving just a few hours a week to Teach India. More info here