[TC-I Call to Action]: InSPIRE Young Professional
Sunday August 10, 2008 , 2 min Read
[UPDATE: The InSPIRE Young Professional program is now running from July 3-July 17, 2009. Applications for that trip are due on March 30, 2009].
After an incredible five weeks in India coordinating InSPIRE College, I’m excited to pass on the news of another opportunity for those outside of India who want a more intimate look at a lot of the issues we cover on this site. Read on to find out more about InSPIRE Young Professional:
Spend your vacation time doing something meaningful in India.
Applications are due soon! Download yours today.
India Service Program Inspiring Reflective Exploration
QUESTION assumptions.
EXPLORE your values.
CONNECT to your roots.
RELATE to humanity.
LIVE what you believe.
InSPIRE for Young Professionals is a 2-week long exposure program in India for South Asians between the ages of 25 and 35, who are genuinely interested in exploring themselves and India.
Program Dates: November 2nd to November 15th, 2008
It’s a travel, exploration, volunteer, self-discovery and immersion program all rolled into one!
Applications are due SEPTEMBER 7 and are available on the website for download!
InSPIRE is about…
…sharing genuine, real experiences and connecting to people who share a similar mindset.
…connecting with India , with its culture, with its people.
…finding your passion, and the strength and courage to follow it.
…stepping out of your comfort zone… so you can discover the world, so you can discover yourself.
(For more information, email us at [email protected])