India's First Social Enterprise and Investment Forum: Sankalp 2009
Shital had written in last November about Sankalp 2009, a business plan competiton for Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) organized by India Development Gateway, in partnership with Rural Innovations Network (RIN) and National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
Turns out the business plan competition has now developed into India’s first ever Social Enterprise and Investment Forum, with additional support from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Sankalp (English: Pledge or Determination) is conceived as a South Asia Social Enterprise and Investment Forum with the primary goal of bringing together various stakeholders sharing a common conviction that capital should be invested to create multiple bottom-line returns (financial, social and environmental) and not exclusively financial (profit-maximizing) or social (philanthropic) returns.Sankalp 2009 along with partners such as The Rockefeller Foundation, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and the Rural Innovation Network (RIN) is the region’s first investment forum for emerging enterprises as well as ideas that aim to solve pressing issues of the day in a sustainable and profitable manner. Sankalp is an initiative of IDG (India Development Gateway).
Sankalp 2009 is an effort to discover, connect and support the most investible social MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium enterprises) operating in high impact sectors such as:
• Agriculture and Rural Innovations
• Education for all
• Clean tech and Energy
• Healthcare Inclusion
• Highly Scalable Social Models
The event will represent the culmination of months of nation-wide search to recognize the most Emerging models & High Impact Social Enterprises.
- You can find more info on Sankalp 2009, here.
- Nominate your enterprise for the Sankalp 2009 Award [Deadline: 15 Feb, 2009]
- Register as a Delegate here [Registrations open: 1 Feb, 2009]
Keep watching this space for more updates on the event.