TC-I welcomes Shivam Srivastava as Part Time Writer
The ThinkChange India team is proud to introduce Shivam as one of our new part-time bloggers. A quick introduction of Shivam:
Shivam Srivastava is currently a WiMAX systems engineer at Motorola, Inc, where he designs and deploys wireless networks for rural parts of South and Central America. Shivam hopes to combine his passions of engineering and learning to achieve his long term goal of making the quality of education available in India independent from the student’s economic background. He is the co-founder of EPR India, an organization that aims to empower and educate Indian citizens about appropriate responses to emergency situations. Shivam is also actively involved in a start-up social venture to empower Indian women with IT skills and a number of other non-profit organizations. He has received a number of distinctions including being named a StartingBloc Institute for Social Innovation Fellow and receiving the Clinton Stryker Distinguished Leadership Award. Shivam graduated in 2007 with a degree in Computer Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago where he was also an Ed Kaplan Enterpreurship Scholar, and plans to join a JD/MBA program in the near future.
Welcome to the team, Shivam!