Upcoming Training: Advanced Reflective Education and Training (ART) on Community based Development Finance
From MicroCapital.org:
Advanced Reflective Education and Training (ART) on Community based Development Finance, December 1-12, 2009, in Tamilnadu, India, presented by the Social Tata-Dhan Academy and sponsored by the DHAN Foundation.
Summary of Event: Tata-Dhan Academy is hosting its seventh international course for staff of microfinance organizations, banks, capacity-building organizations, NGOs, government organizations and funding agencies, from India and abroad. The pedagogy includes case analysis, experience sharing by the experts, group exercises, field visits and panel workshops. The themes for the course include:
- Community based development finance (December 1-4, 2009);
- Social security for poverty reduction (Micro Insurance for the poor) (December 5-8, 2009);
- Microfinance and business development (December 9-12, 2009)
Background on the Presenter: Located in India, The Tata-Dhan Academy nurtures, grooms and educates young graduates as Development Professionals. They possess multi-disciplinary knowledge including applied technologies relevant to the ‘context’. Equally high is the emphasis on ‘learning’ and ‘building knowledge’ through action-reflection-action. Side by side the focus is on building high quality techno-managerial competencies supported by appropriate motivations, values and attitudes to work with people, the disadvantaged in particular, with a view to “building people’s organisations to build people”.
Key Event Themes:
- Theme 1: Community based Development Finance (December 1-4, 2009)
- Theme 2: Social Security for Poverty Reduction (Micro Insurance for the poor) (December 5-8, 2009)
- Theme 3: Microfinance and Business Development (December 9-12, 2009)
Online Registration: Please click here. The registration deadline is October 31, 2009.