Up next is iCreateiCreate: Business Intelligence for Banking
iCreate: BI for banking in a box. Significantly short lead time.
iCreate: We're able to provide solution in 100 days. Not 2 years.
iCreate: Competitiors -- none specifically in the area we're in.
iCreate: In the last 3 months, we've been able to convert 3. We're looking at 1 million dollar revenue per customer per year.
Up next is Rahul from Aquilonis Technologies
Rahul: Product XBlocker, a call management blocker
Rahul: When you get incoming call -- duck, drop, divert, or duck&sms/email
Rahul: Post call options. In do not disturb mode, special callers feature when
Rahul: Next update will manaage SMS
Rahul: 100,000 downloads. 19.95$ or Rs 349 to buy product.
Up next Sanjay from Sportingmindz
Sanjay: Major chunk of work is from Cricket.
Sanjay: Help grassroot levels, help develop talent
Sanjay: Working on Cricket, Hockey, Rugby, Cycling, and Fantasy games
Sanjay: Worked on Tour de France with Swiss cycling company
Sanjay: 50,000 users using Facebook and Orkut app
Sanjay: Kings XI, Royal Challengers our customers