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Ritambhara Agrawal, Founder, Intelligere

Saturday October 09, 2010 , 5 min Read

“Protecting the fruit of your labors”

The term intellectual property is not as modern as one might think. It was first used in common parlance way back in 1888 when the Swiss Federal Office for Intellectual Property was founded. One might also be misled into believing that Intellectual property law began because of inventions but it actually started because of royal grants to establish monopoly by Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603).

However in modern times Intellectual property laws exist not to provide a monopoly to Imperialist forces but to enforce the legal rights of an inventor over the creation, production and sale of the fruit of their labors.

Ritambhara Agrawal could probably tell you a lot more on the matter as the Young Entrepreneur is pursuing her Masters in Intellectual Property. She is also the Founder of “Intelligere”, a leading law firm based in Noida, India, specializing in the area of Intellectual Property Laws.

Yourstory learnt more from Ritambhara on her venture Intelligere, and the entrepreneurial possibilities stemming from Intellectual property laws.

How have you made a venture based on Intellectual Property Laws?

Intelligere Founder

Intelligere is a leading law firm in India providing legal services in the area of Intellectual Property Rights. Our main practice areas include, Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Domain name disputes, issues pertaining to Cyber Laws, Design registration, Geographical Indication matters, Design layout and Semiconductors, mobile gaming legal issues, legal issues in virtual world arena, gaming laws. We cater to the IP demands of different industries. Intelligere handles IP matters pertaining to Media & Entertainment industry, Software, Telecom, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Financial Institutions, Retail market, Insurance industry, Real Estate, Aviation and Infrastructure. Our team of experts includes lawyers, engineers, financial experts, patent agents and patent attorneys. Our proprietary processes allow us to provide high quality services and maintain time lines.What is the basic business idea that your venture is capitalizing on?

The main idea behind the venture was that there are very few law firms in India specializing in the field of IP laws. Most of the law firms are multi-disciplinary firms handling all the domains and expertise of legal field. With the advent of technology, India has become a good market for different innovations and industries and corporate are becoming more aware of their IP rights and protecting and exploiting the same. So there was a need to have more law firms specializing in the field of IP laws to handle the volume of IP work generated within India. In India there is still lack of awareness in the area of IP rights. We want to spread awareness about different IPR issues and also to educate people in respect of their IP rights and how to commercially maximize the value of their IP rights.

What is the target market or demographic that your services have been created for?

At Intelligere we cater to all the needs of Indian, US, European and Asian region. Intelligere handles IP matters pertaining to Media & Entertainment industry, Software, Telecom, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Financial Institutions, Retail market, Insurance industry, Real Estate, Aviation and Infrastructure.

How is your venture different from other such Law ventures?

Intelligere is a law firm specializing in the field of IPR. We differentiate from other law firms in the sense that Intelligere is a specialized law firm; therefore we are the experts in the field of IP laws.

Why did entrepreneurship appeal to you over a normal 9-to-5 job?

Being in a regular 9-5 job is not challenging. In the beginning things are fine but nature of work becomes very monotonous after a level of achievement and position in a job. Being an entrepreneur gives you lots of opportunity to work on different domains and handle different responsibilities. Working on your own venture gives one more freedom to think and be creative and take challenges and innovate.

How did you overcome the biggest challenge in your entrepreneurial career?

The biggest challenge was to restrict services of Intelligere to a single domain of legal field, i.e; IPR. It was a risky proposition in the beginning as we were providing services related to only one domain of legal services. That meant that we would be targeting a typical and restrictive set of market w.r.t. a multi-disciplinary law firm. Moreover when we started our venture in India, IPR market was at its nascent stage and there was not much requirement of legal experts in the IP market.

What motivates you to achieve greater heights in entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is challenging. Each day brings in new challenges and that makes the ride enjoyable. As the organization grows challenges become bigger. And also company is like your baby and you just enjoy it growing and venturing into new areas. There is zeal for performance growth.

Yourstory wishes Ritambhara Agrawal and Intelligere great success with their practice and hope that their venture achieves its full entrepreneurial potential. To learn more head over to and check out their website.