India’s only social enterprise innovation awards calls for nominations – VILLGRO AWARDS
Wednesday November 03, 2010 , 2 min Read
In line with this Villgro Awards, the country’s only premium awards to honor outstanding individuals and stakeholders in the innovation and social enterprise eco-system was instituted recognizing their contribution to the sector, was instituted in 2006 (as LRAMP Awards) is now back again this year. The Villgro Awards has been constituted to promote and encourage the different players without who the social entrepreneurship domain would not make the rapid strides it is making.
The awards invite nominations across 7 categories which would be Social Enterprise, Incubator, Investor, Media, Journalist, Grassroot innovator and Life time achievement.
The winners will be felicitated at the annual Villgro’s Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship forum – UNCONVENTION 10 which serves as a meeting ground for innovators, social entrepreneurs, investors, policy makers, opinion leaders, academicians, researchers, media and leading lights from the ecosystem.
The awards will be presided by Dr. M.S. Swaminathan on December 3rd 2010 at Chennai.
The last date for nominations is November 15th.
Visit to nominate.