Physics of Poverty, a weekly column by Dr. Tara Thiagarajan, to be published on YourStory from today
Sunday December 12, 2010 , 2 min Read
Dr. Tara’s interview was published recently on YourStory. Read here.
As you are aware, Madura Microfinance sponsored our first ever social entrepreneurship event Sociopreneurship India 2010, which we hosted in partnership with CNBC-TV18 Young Turks.
The significance of Dr. Tara’s research in connecting rural masses to markets outside their “sustenance” paradigm has enormous potential to change the landscape of microfinance in India. Shakti Pirakkudhu, a feature film produced by Madura Microfinance, was conceived to educate rural women on market opportunities outside their village. The film is to be premiered in Delhi on October 16. Read details here.
We encourage you to get hooked on to this column every week so that you get to know an entirely new, fresh perspective on microfinance and its larger, relevant goal of alleviating poverty using cutting edge research in neurosciences by none other than an accomplished neuroscience researcher and accidental microfinance entrepreneur, Dr. Tara Thiagarajan.