NASSCOM EMERGE forum & invite you to EMERGE XPress Pitch at NASSCOM EMERGEOUT Conclave

Be part of the third wave of IT revolution – Made In India, Made for the world. NASSCOM EMERGE forum & is proud to introduce EMERGE XPress Pitch, a presentation technique following the guidelines of Pecha Kucha - devised in Tokyo in February 2003. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it rests on a format that is based on a simple idea and a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.
Why Pecha Kucha – Very often we get to see product companies making sales pitch to end users, bombarding them with jargons that scare them away. The focus is often on geeky matters than communicating business problems the vendor is able to find solutions for. Pecha Kucha is a smart way of scripting stories around the end user business problems.
• No TEXT but all graphics
• A way of telling a compelling story to your prospects
• Focused on the end user business pain points
• Less of technology; more about business solutions
• Keeping the audience’s interests up
• No next slide please
• Avoid death by PowerPoint
Eligibility: India based early stage innovative start-ups who have been in the market for less than a year ; offering cloud / app based software products for businesses.
Format: Presenters must show twenty slides — no more, no less — and show each slide for twenty seconds; again, no more, no less. All 20 slides will consist of ONLY pictures, with no words allowed. Slides have to be auto timed for 20 seconds, This gives just six minutes and forty seconds to deliver your story.
Submitting your story: Only 8 participants are allowed in the event. Please send in your entries to [email protected] (ppt files and quicktime movies are accepted as long as they do not exceed 00:06:40 total) The finalists would be shortlisted by a panel comprising of NASSCOM EMERGE-Products Group. Criteria for shortlisting would be on the basis of the story, creativity applied and adherence to Pecha Kucha presentation guidelines.
Samples and how to guide
Initiated by Duleep Sahadevan, Software Associates for the NASSCOM EMERGEOUT Conclave