Looking for funds to scale up an innovative nutrition, water or rural development project? Apply for the Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value and win up to CHF 500 000
Wednesday June 01, 2011 , 1 min Read
Help an innovative project in the field of nutrition, water or rural development to scale up by nominating it for the Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value. The winner will benefit from an investment of up to CHF 500 000 (more than USD 480 000).Nominations and self-nominations are welcome until 30 June 2011.
The Prize is open to individuals, governmental and non-governmental organisations, academia and small enterprises.
Specific field of achievements include, but are not limited to: agriculture, including extension services and use of new technologies; food science and technology; nutrition education programmes; water management; protections of water resources, etc.
Find out more and nominate a project at: www.nestle.com/CSV/CSVPrize
For any inquiry, contact the CSV Prize team at: CSVPrize(AT)nestle.com