Tweets from the AWS Bean Bag Series #aws @simon
Friday May 11, 2012 , 2 min Read
The past three days saw some amazing action with Simone Brunozzi from AWS going to Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore with the AWS Bean Bag series. Twitter was on cloud nine and here are some of the tweets of wisdom from Simone.Whenever you start as an entrepreneur always ask what value you will offer - @simon to entrepreneurs #aws
Don't put limits on your imagination @simon #aws #startups #entrepreneurs
Test your vision with friends or strangers - @simon to entrepreneurs
Don't ever fall in love with your idea - @simon to entrepreneurs
What part of your business should you outsource? Outsource as much as possible - @simon to entrepreneurs
Always measure why your customers are buying your products and why - @simon to entrepreneurs
Never stop fighting, never give up, stop fighting till the end - @simon to entrepreneurs #aws
In the Valley failure is considered as very big learning @simon #startups #entrepreneurs #aws
The first impression decides whether somebody likes you or not - On Importance of Elevator Pitch to startups - @simon #aws
Ask yourself why should someone invest in you - @simon to startups
If there is no competition for your prod/service in the market it is mostly likely that there is no market for it - @simon #LeanCloud #AWS
Always question anything that comes to you. There are general rules and then there is you. Does it makes sense for you? - @simon #LeanCloud
“It is good to keep your backup away in #cloud away from the originals in your physical server.” - @simon
PR: "When you are talking to a journalist, you are talking to all their 1000s of readers." - @simon #LeanCloud
When you are Fundraising, using cloud tech is a very bery valid advantage as it cuts lotsa investment cost! #leancloud #AWS
"Minimum Viable Product gives validated learning about customers with least effort" @simon #LeanCloud
Always question anything that comes to you. There are general rules and then there is you. Does it makes sense for you? - @simon #LeanCloud
And here are a few which put a smile on our faces
RT “@vemuruadi: Amazing session by @simon at aws bean bag series by@YourStorydotin. #leancloud”
Jam packed @ idiom bangalore !!! #leancloud conference by @YourStorydotin is super filled :D