MobiSparks Kicks Off Today! What's On The Plate?
The stage is set and we're really pumped up for the show today. MobiSparks is a platform for discovering the Next Generation of Mobile Entrepreneurs and hunt for 2012 will come to an end today. We'll unveil the top 15 companies selected from over 300 applicants from all across India. Today, and the following few days, you'll hear the latest and best from MobiSparks.
To kick off, we'll be announcing the MobiSparks individually online as and when they present on stage at the event and this begins at around 1300 hrs IST. The individual company posts will also contain their video bytes and a snippet about the company. Following the demos, we'll launch a compendium of all the companies which will be tailed by the tweets and photos.
Don't forget to tweet with #msparks! For the inhouse audience, we've a lot of goodies on offer as well. May the best tweet fly high!
Handles to follow: @yourstorydotin and @mobisparks | Individual twitter handles of YourStory team members can be found here.
We'll also bring the analysis of the event in the following days and the report will be available online for sale. (YS Research)
And for all the amazing folks joining us (there's nothing like the real thing), here's a reminder about the agenda. For any other information, log on to MobiSparks.