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Instamojo introduces advance analytics to track consumers’ interaction with insightful data

Friday August 16, 2013 , 2 min Read

Mumbai based startup Instamojo - which lets businesses or individuals to sell their products instantly by creating an offer by uploading details and promoting it through link, has launched ‘advanced analytics’ to provide its users with deep insights on how their audience is interacting with their product offerings.

The startup has divided analytics in two categories - overview and individual offer analytics. With Overview section, you can view how all your offers are performing in total, i.e. how many visitors came to your offer page, total number of sales and revenues that it generated.


To view each offers’ insights, you can view it either from your offer page or your Instamojo dashboard. For individual offer analytics You’ve to do is just click on “analytics” and view each offers’ daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly stats on visitors, number of sales and total aggregate revenues.

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Besides these, Instamojo - which was part of the Yourstory’s 30 Best Emerging Tech Product Startups from India in 2012 (for more download TechSparks 2012 TECH30 Report) - allows you to track from where your visitors are coming from, interacting with your offer and eventually buying. This gives you deep understanding of how far your shortlink traversed to give you sales.

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