How to make the most of a working weekend
A global study that surveyed 9,700 managers in India, the US, UK, Brazil, Mexico, and Germany found that about 46 percent of them worked for more than 40 hours a week. As if that in itself wasn’t enough bad news, Indians generally have the urge to work longer and harder than their US counterparts. They tend to work overtime and sometimes even work on weekends, either due to decisions taken by the management or voluntarily.
However, in cases when one does not have the choice of turning down working weekends, things get really difficult. The work-life balance is put to the test. Employees tend to hold a grudge against the organisation and their productivity is affected. So, what can one do when one has to work on a weekend? Here are some simple tips that will help you make the most of a working weekend.
Image : shutterstock
1. Find the balance
The first step to create that balance is to understand where to draw the line between your personal and professional life. There needs to be a clear demarcation between both in order to ensure smooth functioning of both these aspects of your life. Some people, however, choose professions that allow easy blending of both these aspects.
Try not to bring your work home. Ensure that the time spent at home is dedicated to the people living there.
2. Set time limits
Set reasonable time limits for your objectives. Ensure that the time limits are not disregarded. Strike off days on a calendar or watch out for the stopwatch. The time limits for these short-term goals can vary depending on the type of work involved. Time limits are known to be extremely helpful for personal and professional growth. Besides, having a deadline means you will not procrastinate.
In order to help you stay on track with your time limits, we recommend that you share your time limits with your trusted friends or family. They will help you stay motivated and then achieve those milestones.
3. Maximise the effectiveness of weekdays
Getting away from work is good not only for you but also for the productivity of the business. So, no matter what the reason, try not to work endlessly all seven days a week.
When you already know that you have to work on weekends, it is important that you rearrange your schedule for the weekdays. Plan things ahead of time and make room for other important things in life. You can take your partner out for a mid-week lunch. You can spend quality time with your kids after work. Call your parents regularly. Catch up with friends for coffee or lunch during the weekdays. Also, ensure that you do not let go of your personal goals, be it fitness or practising your hobbies. Do what you love and do it often.
Having said that, we still hope that you get encouraging, positive vibes from your workplace on working weekends, and love from your family. Do not sulk about working weekends, but try to make the very best use of them.