Here is how to stay productive and happy for longer hours
Modern life is governed by an all-consuming lifestyle. There’s no time for anything that makes you even remotely happy. A race that life has become, you yearn for a change and you yearn for peace. But adopt a small change, inculcate one daily habit that might seem small in the usual hustle bustle of life, and soon you’ll be able to unleash the massive amount of energy that lies within you. So, what is that one habit? What is it that you should do every day to ensure explosive productivity? You’d be surprised to know that creating something new every day is the secret to stay ahead of the curve.

It might seem like a tedious job for most. Many would use lack of time and resources as an excuse, or rather, think that there’s just nothing left that needs to be invented. First of all, let’s clarify this idea. I am talking about creating just anything that may or may not contribute to someone’s life, something that makes you feel satisfied at the end of the day. A thing that you can call your own! Isn’t this exactly that we all yearn for? Here’s what you can do to start this new venture in your life
The finish line is a friend
“Doing something start to finish each day not only helps you get over the fear of starting a project, but also the fear of finishing one,” explains Mike Winkleman, an animator and VJ. On May 1, 2007, he decided he was going to complete an art project every day. He hasn’t missed a day since.
Starting a project can give you jitters. Your first attempt might even fail. A lot of people face this anxiety in daily life: will we be able to complete the task? What if we fail? Facing your fears and gaining victory over them is the first challenge that you need to take up every day. As you move one from day one to day five, from one project to the next, that fear will cease to exist.
Shape the skills you love
Does it happen that your mind picks a particular career while you heart is constantly thinking about the ‘what ifs’? Are you waiting for your big break? Are you dreaming of pursuing your passion someday? Well, for starters, today is that day! This is the only moment to add a meaning to your life. Creating a future by working today is also a process that you go through in the hope of living a life of contentment. Shape your skills according to what you love – it could be anything from writing to painting or even designing. Even if it means starting small, take the first step and move forth wherever the path leads.
Creating this habit helps you focus on other areas of your life too, allowing you to be more productive and less frazzled. It lets you grow as an individual.
A different attitude
Embracing resilience and problem solving attitude is the first step to creating memories, achievements and milestones. It opens up your brain to more creative solutions. You begin to look at things and contemplate better ways to achieve your goals. Do not forget to share your creations with people who matter. Your closed ones are your best critic, and feedback or criticism of any sort simply helps you create better with each passing day.
Embark on this creative challenge and you will not regret it. There will be days when you will have to struggle with your ideas and seek validation. But such days will only make your stronger and better at what you do. Take a leap of faith and create something new every day. It will be that turning point in your life, after which everything will seem different.