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Tools to help you write error-free content

Tools to help you write error-free content

Wednesday November 30, 2016 , 2 min Read

Remember those times when you read something or heard someone talk and you couldn’t stop mentally correcting their gramma? Wasn’t it simply annoying? Even if you are an avid reader or blogger, making grammatical errors is only natural when you’re in the flow. Self-editing becomes difficult in this case because you might be blind to your own mistakes. But you may not be lucky enough to have someone proofread your work for you. Fortunately, however, there are a few tools which you can use to compose effective and flawless content. Here are a few:


Image : shutterstock


This free and efficient grammar checker tool is one of the most widely used tools to correct grammar, punctuation and spellings. In its premium section, it has plagiarism check and vocabulary enhancement features, too.

After the Deadline

This online platform comes from the same people who built WordPress. It uses contextual spellchecking, reducing your chances of making contextual errors as well. It also corrects style errors and provides features that easily integrate WordPress content.

Ninja Essays

Ninja Essays hires top quality ninja-like writers and provides services like online content writing and editing. Since they hire only the cream of the crowd, the quality of their work is impeccable. Unlike other platforms, the human touch here helps you determine conceptual errors, confusing sentences, and unclear agendas.


This tool is a craze among startups and entrepreneurs. A paid platform, it helps when there is a bulk of content that needs to be proofread on a daily basis. They customise their services on the basis of the style and nature of the content needed by the client.


PaperRater is a free online tool for freelancers, bloggers, and students to get their content proofread, edited, or spellchecked. It also checks for plagiarism. This checker responds immediately and is one of the most sought after non-paid tools.

Writing content is a mammoth task for businesses that need to come out with interesting topics every day. Often, editing takes a back seat when the focus is restricted to content. However, poor content is not taken well by readers. As a result, your content needs to be flawless if you want to leave your readers with a lasting impression, and for this, editing is an absolute must.