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Tips to Write an Attractive Job Ad

Tips to Write an Attractive Job Ad

Monday June 19, 2017 , 4 min Read

You post a job listing seeking for capable candidates to hire. But come interview day you are far from satisfied with the turnout, both in numbers and quality. What went wrong? Well like many others you may have written the description in haste and pushed it on online job portals.

One needs to understand that writing a job listing can be compared with putting out an advertisement for your product. Never forget that you are still trying to sell your dream, but this time round you need good hands who will help to ensure the viability of your brand and company.

Image : shutterstock

Image : shutterstock

Writing an advertisement for a job vacancy involves understanding the target audience. Just like ad experts are expected to be aware of their target audience, in order to connect with the consumer. Job advertisements must be written in an easy to understand language which makes it more engaging and pull in the right applicants for the job. It should seem like the job that you were looking for all this while.

It is also important to understand the social dynamics of the workforce in order to create an attractive advertisement. As with any aspect of life, first impression matters while seeking for candidatures. Try to create a description which details why you're company is a springboard for upcoming professionals and how employment welfare is taken seriously.

Be specific about requirements

Firstly, understand your expectations and the requirements that will suffice the job vacancy. So aspects like education qualification, work experience, languages known etc must be maintained and expressed to the candidates within the listing.

Well written, but direct to the point description

The job advertisement is like a fishing net thrown into the sea in order to pick out the most favourable candidates. Professionals must find the job appealing and a place where they can ply their trade.

For online advertisements, an attractive template is necessary. Ensure the listing is not deceiving or misleading, and be very specific about the role offered. Do not beat around the bush, use simple language to send the point across.

Highlights points such as working hours and days, incentives if any, if it entails travels and field visit etc. Salary may also be stated if it is in sync with or, higher than the existing market rates.

Treat it as an ad, so be creative

When it comes to recruiting, innovative ways of job advertisements bring in well-qualified and passionate candidates. For instance, the 'Hungry Designers Wanted' advertisement by Apple is a creative example of how a job listing can be simple, to the point and alluring at the same time. The image clearly sends out a message that only hard working, creative and passionate designers are sought.

Advertisements to screen

If the advertisement has the potential to screen out unqualified candidates, it is indeed an added bonus it saves a lot of time and energy while skimming through the job applications. If a candidate does not have some A, B, or C requirements, he or she would understand that the job is not their fit.

Sometimes simple one-liners like – “Applicants without X, Y will not be considered” goes a long way. If there are only a few unqualified candidates to screen later, it is easier for the recruiter. He or she can pay a lot of attention to the qualified ones and decide accordingly.

SEO for online ads

With most hiring processes going online, recruiters must understand that the quality and content must be very specific to draw the attention of search engine results.

The use of keywords and titles must be very specific and to the point, so that your job advertisement comes up among the first five options in search engines.

Ask for a cover letter

Cover letters are useful while judging a candidate. It provides clues about their communication skills, drive, aspirations and to a certain extent helps determine if they would be a good match.

Follow these steps and create your unique job listing!