Faster Sites : Beyond PageSpeed Insights
Have you ever placed an order at a restaurant only to lose interest in your food if the delivery guy takes too long to arrive? An individual's digital user experience works much the same way. Google PageSpeed is a family of tools by Google Inc, that measures the performance of a page for mobile and desktop devices. In the digital space, user-experience should be every website owner's number one priority. What's the point in achieving top search rankings if you don't intend to provide great user experience?
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Needless to say, PageSpeed is a critical component in the content-driven world. It rates your page into one of the following three categories - Good, Needs Work and Poor. When your result is 'Good', it means that your page applies most of the performance best practices and delivers a good user experience. While 'Needs Work' and 'Poor', emphasizes that your site is missing common performance optimizations that may result in a sluggish user experience.
Today, PageSpeed matters than ever before. Here's why.
AdWords quality score
Not many marketers know that PageSpeed can actually influence your quality score. The speed of your page is considered as a key component by Google when it comes to determining your landing page experience. What's more? quality score drives your cost epr click (CPC). This eventually means that PageSpeed can lower your advertising costs.
User experience
Customers expect a fast user experience online and when a page takes too long to load, prospects will often abandon your page. No one has the patience or time to wait for a page to load. An improved PageSpeed, will ensure users to engage with your content and you'll end up getting more value and conversions from your website visitors.
Organic Ranking
PageSpeed is a critical ranking factor. In fact, it is a part of Google's ranking algorithm for both mobile as well as desktop. Therefore, having a better-optimized page will help you secure better rankings. For instance, if two websites have equal relevance and authority, PageSpeed may be the deciding factor that pushes one site ahead of the other in organic ranking.
What's the point in investing money in content if your page is going to take too long to load? Speed is essential when it comes to providing a good experience and therefore you should give PageSpeed the importance it deserves.