Digital trends every business owner needs to pay attention to
Change is here to stay. It always has. But if you look closely and carefully, you will become aware of how one generation's bell bottoms are another generation's tank top and one generations spies are the next generation's drones so on and so forth. Change is thus the most enigmatic word of all. While things may appear to take a different shape outwardly, their intent remains much the same. So what does this insight account for? Simple – the future is nothing but the past rehashed, garbed in new attire. Therefore, in order to stay afloat in the ocean of entrepreneurship, you need more than a flashy vest or a jazzy tube. You need to hone the original intent.

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Thus, intent and will are always trending inside the Anthropos-sphere; it's the cybersphere, in all its regalia and embellishments that appears to change all the time. The trick therefore is to ‘will’ to create work that's rooted in goodness and honesty, while at the same time topical and generation-relevant.
Communication is content
When we exchange ideas, emotions or thoughts, we communicate ourselves. We bare ourselves to another in order to fill their cup of life with something meaningful. In exchange, we expect the same. This is the reason why we watch a certain type of films, listen to a certain type of music, and prefer certain foods over others. The value of exchange determines experience. And experience is all any service provider can offer. However, if you intent is foggy and your will dishonest, your effort will indeed prove lackadaisical.
There are many ways to create communication that has real character and potential to connect. As one article on Forbes put it, “One of the best ways to get the most out of your content is to tap into your intellectual capital: your internal experts and thought leaders.”
One solution doesn't fit all
The world of today is simmering with experts. It has been segregated in columns and rows of people who can do this and not that. While this has led to an increase in the girth of things humanity is capable of, it has certainly limited our scope as individuals and the fact that we more capable than we've made to believe. While this thought is fear-inspiring for most, the world of business seems to find its redemption in experts.
Experts are people who have gained expertise by way of knowledge and experience in their field of choice. And why do you need experts? Because the evolutionary topography of the entrepreneurial man and his business is at a stage where they resemble a car factory – where the nut and bolt guy does not step into the role of the metal painter. He becomes an expert at putting the nuts and bolts together by sheer consistency, and before you know it, is the best pair of hands in the business. Similar is the case of experts. And this is their time to shine (in their expert limitedness). In work terms, this means that you cannot run your business by way of a few simple channels. As a marketing leader, you require an expert digital specialist, an expert content writer, an expert digital strategist, and an expert coffee machine in order to keep your business and sanity on point with rising trends.
Adaptability is the new ability
Man has outlived dinosaurs, an animal far more ferocious than himself. Certainly, as Dilbert, a popular comic strip says in one its episodes, “You can't survive by wit alone”, and needless to say, man has come this not by virtue of his wit alone but his ability to adapt – even to situations that cause his soul to squirm in disgust (a moral science lesson for later). But whether you like it or not, changing with the changing times as a chameleon changes with its surroundings is one of the top factors steering entrepreneurship in the direction of the future. According to speaker and author John Hall, “Traits like agility and adaptability, the ability to manage ambiguity, and working across silos in an organization are helping CMOs thrive in the digital world.”
Adapt or perish seems to be the common refrain in the hearts of many. While it's seemingly important, one must be careful as to not let it fob you of your true identity. Thus, the true need of the hour is to adapt with knowledge, care, and caution and strive towards steering business not only towards the future but a future that's right.
Also read: Trends that have and will be the torchbearers in the digital era