Presenting to investors/customers soon? Keep these 4 points in mind!
The slides that you put up in your company presentation must make all the potential investors excited about knowing your products and services even more. They will converse about your business platform extensively if you manage to make an impression, which may lead to someone investing a considerable amount in your business. Yet one must know that one’s goal during presentations is not simply to raise money or show your company’s roadmap to success. The goal of your presentations must be to make an appealing impression on people. Here are a few guidelines to get your presentation right the next time you are in a meeting with investors:

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Show that you value your customers
Value proposition is a great step towards attracting customers as well as investors. A simple, easy-to-understand line explaining the overview of your business platform is helpful. Imagine that you are tweeting about your company in 140 characters, and then prepare the overview. You may even bring in positive references to existing companies, like, “We are the Amazon to your Beauty Needs at home.” With such lines in mind, map out and show who you think your ideal customers would be.
Do not forget your marketing strategies
Never let any marketing opportunity slip through your fingers. Dedicate a slide or two to show the characteristics of ideal customers. Give your audience a clear idea about the size of your customer base. Try to collect data about your company’s standing in the present market scenario. You can bring in ideas of problem-solving along with storytelling techniques to make a strong impression. Make the investors believe in what you believe. Stress on different products with the help of different segments.
Give specific descriptions and demos of products
Make sure your presentation on product demos is appealing to all the senses, and the audience is captivated by the slides. The viewers must feel involved in the presentation, so that it becomes more appealing. Do not hesitate to bring in props to supplement your presentation. Props make the process of presentation look very interesting and also validate your story and problem-solving ideas. A few props can easily spice up the presentation.
Sketch a roadmap
If you already have an existing customer base, talk about it. Share your customers’ feedback with the audience. Portray your business model as a fool-proof one, with proper risk management and experience. But do take care to validate the solution that you portray.
For an investor, the first impression is very crucial. Always remember to pitch your ideas properly and attractively. It will give the investors an idea about your company. They will learn more about the platform and its services as well. It takes more than a single meeting for investors to be fully convinced. Hence, it is important to induce enough interest in prospective investors so that they want a second meeting with you. Aim at progressing step by step, have patience, and you’ll soon be on your way to success.
Read Also: Master the art of pitching to an investor