All Indian railway stations to be 100pc LED-powered by March 2018
India is the world’s third-largest producer and fourth-largest consumer of electricity. The Indian Railways authorities are now going environment friendly by deciding to make all railway stations in India 100 percent LED powered by March of 2018, and consequently cutting down on consumption of electricity wherever possible. With LED lamps being far more efficient in terms of energy consumption than the traditional bulbs and lamps, this is going to be a welcome step towards making the railways an eco-friendly network.
The authorities have already started working proactively on providing LED-powered electricity in railway staff colonies, platforms of the stations, and other railway offices. The country's largest employer and world's eighth largest, Indian Railways, has an employee strength of 14 lakh people. An entirety of 55,000 carriages of Indian Railways carry 800 crore passengers throughout a year.
An official statement by the Indian Railways as reported by Times of India said,
Ministry of Railways has decided to make all railway stations 100 percent LED lit by the end of current financial year by March 31, 2018. It is a huge initiative to provide energy efficient lighting which will eventually greatly help in the conservation of environment as well.
Recently, the Indian Railways has also recently cleared a Rs 12,000-crore proposal to equip electric locomotives with the latest European train protection system. Besides these notable initiatives, Indian Railway Ministry has also decided to introduce bio-toilets in all railway coaches by December 2018, earlier than 2019, as anticipated initially. It also plans on achieving 100 percent success in installing these toilets.
Read More:
8 billion Indian passengers to use bio-toilets in all railway coaches by December 2018
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