Bootstrapped and looking for pocket money? Here are ways you can make money off the internet
Millenials, students and freshers who are starting new jobs are always bent on the fact they do not have enough money to spend. Be it for that pending birthday treat or hobnobbing around the city with your friends, some extra cash goes a long way to ensure a happier college and a work life. Behold the internet, a gateway for any and everyone bootstrapped on cash, students and young millennials especially. One of the greatest benefits of the internet is that it allows people to earn money through previously non-existent channels. For those looking to make a few extra buck the digital world has become an especially popular medium, and you can do this while still pursuing your education. Well, here are some tips on how one can earn money through the internet.
Sell what you don't use
We all have that product or products that we bought out of an impulse or whim, and now it lies around the house gathering dust. Like the DSLR camera, which after a few clicks faded into the stockpile of clutter, much like the aspiration to become a professional photographer. You will always find something that has been lying in the corner of your room with no purpose. Sell the books that you don’t need anymore, the old CDs and games or sell your clothes that you do not wear. Multiple startups allow you to sell your clothes or those expensive labels that are gathering dust because you no longer fit into them. Do away with the clutter and earn some money in the process.
Make videos/podcasts
Vlogging and podcasts allow your creative side a medium to display their potential and guess what you can even make some serious money out of it. YouTube has been a great platform for the creative minds. Start a channel and give it a shot. Upload original content, from health tips to showcasing the humorous side of you. If you are traveller you can experiment time-lapse videos of your journeys. If Dhinchak Pooja can be a star so can you.
If you are not a camera person try podcasts in a knowledge domain that you are keen on. Give your opinion a voice.
Teach online
Enroll yourself in a tutorial that has part-time opportunities to teach. From school lessons to preparations for competitive exams like IIT, UPSC, or CAT. Find your niche and contribute to the education system. You also get paid for this without being a full-time teacher.
Contribute your skillset to small projects that you can find online. Look up tasks on Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, to name a few. This way you do not have to dedicate your whole day but a part of your time to spare, maybe to proofread a book, or edit some content, graphic designing or just translation into another language. Freelancer work allows many people to earn enough to not have a day job. So give it a serious thought.
If you are expressive in your writing and want to reach a greater crowd through your works, and do something of your own. Write about topics that people want to read or learn more about. Blogs can be a great way to earn money with the wider usage by linking your social media accounts to increase your presence. Work on the website to generate greater traffic. From fashion to food to design- bloggers have become a name to reckon with in these fields.
Try and experimenting with these ways to earn that extra pocket money, you have nothing much to lose. The internet is a beneficial tool in many ways, and it surely can help fund that weekend travel plan or that extravagant shopping spree.