“Its My Show!”- Anish Gupta a 21yr old Entrepreneur, Consultant and Digital Marketer
Time waits for none and I am the one who never waited for the perfect time to come. Thus I just thought of trying everything little earlier.
Time waits for none and I am the one who never waited for the perfect time to come. Thus I just thought of trying everything little earlier.

To do something different is everyone's dream and for me it was always a challenge to discover everything I did.
What I am today doesn't mean that I am someone special or blessed or what people call "god gifts" though I agree with the fact that I am blessed as I got birth in this world of challenges and got chance to explore it, for this I am very thankful to God and parents for blessing me with such powers. Five years ago I too was a part of the same crowd, had a lot of fun and pleasure in my life, did all ridiculous things with friends which is a part of young generation.
Not being so serious in life and enjoying it with full gratification I use to notice a man, very hardworking who use to manage everything alone, my role model, my biggest inspirer, my father Mr.Vikas Gupta. I very clearly remember that day, I was in B.Tech living in a small rented room and was a day dreamer, always thinking of how to make my dreams come true and one fine day I got so enthusiasm that I felt that it's time to stand shoulder to shoulder with my father and decided to turn my living room into an office and finally with my efforts my company wise business technologies came from that living room which was my office in morning and living room at night. Sounds funny right!
But it was the start of my struggle and my dream company. Struggle is a part of every common man life. Now the aim was to explore, so did a lot of savings for taking my dream company to heights, started tele calling, door to door visits, looking for references and I made a start and still counting...just 500+ web designs developed and looking towards thousands. The support of my family members and friends made me so enthusiastic that finally I had my office, a big one in which I was again alone and than finally got my first helping hand and supporter, a friend who worked with me for my dreams and not for salary or money. I am always thankful to Karan Sandhu KSX for helping me explore my dreams. And finally today Wise Business Technologies have its turnover in carores, a friendly team and is a trusted company too which offers a very friendly environment to the creative minds to explore their business through web development, digital marketing, mobile apps, Mobile Marketing like Bulk SMS etc.
Am a happy Business Consultant, An Entrepreneur, Love to share my knowledge so a Trainer gave some of Workshops as well, Web Developer, Digital Marketer, Blogger, Investor and still learning a lot from my teachers, parents and mentors. And the hard work continues.....
- “If you want it to be your show..run it your way!” – Anish Gupta.