Apple: Why Your Business Should Avoid It
Apple have taken the consumer device market by storm, but businesses should avoid at all costs.

The Apple name has become a household name in the technological world of computers and mobile devices, and there are many people that will swear by the brand. However, there are a few key component areas in which Apple could improve. In fact, every business in the world of technology should do as much as they can do avoid the following of Apple’s shortcomings.
Perhaps one of the most despairing features of Apple is the price tag that comes along with the device. Oddly enough, it appears that the consumer is forced to pay for the name of the device instead of the actual hardware components. There are other companies that use the same components in their mobile devices at an extraordinarily reduced cost compared to the prices that Apple charges. When budgets are tight consumers have no other choice than to select a different product, like ones that have quality affordable Lenovo parts.
Lacking Personalization
So, there are a lot of people in the world. Everyone is looking for a way to standout, to be special. A lot of consumers enjoy bragging about their mobile devices. Yet, Apple doesn’t give anyone that choice. After all, how is anyone supposed to brag about a device that is exactly like every other device in that brand? In the world of laptops, you have Apple bringing limited options to customize hardware, aesthetics, or even operating systems. Whereas other companies utilize the massive amounts of different components out there to include some Lenovo parts, Samsung components, and other pieces to build an awesome system.
Ease of Repair
One of the issues with Apple is the fact that everything seems to be built specifically so only their technicians can repair or replace devices. On the other hand, there are companies that make their components easily accessible. For example, finding Lenovo parts is an extremely simple process that merely requires a search engine and internet connection.
For being such a simple design, Apple has really gone out of their way to make the software overtly complicated, both on the devices and server-side. For example, a consumer that wants to activate a phone to use only on WIFI is required to either hack into their phones to bypass automated restrictions or contact customer service to see if they would be willing to unlock it. It is a ridiculous hassle that no one should be force to go through, which is why manufacturers of Lenovo parts make them with the average person in mind.
There can be good things to say about uniformity. Actually, Apple just recently announced a new phone that is simply a combination of parts and pieces from their older devices. They can do this because all of their phones have generically used a uniform design and component set. Other devices, however, give the consumer the chance to find and upgrade their devices based on their own personal preferences. People are more than capable to adapt their Android devices; they are more than capable of putting in Lenovo parts if they prefer those components over the stock ones.