Learn how to import outlook contacts to iCloud manually
Know how to import Outlook contacts to iCloud with the 2 powerful and efficient manual techniques. You can transfer contacts from Outlook to iCloud by sending all the contacts as business cards.
Are you searching for the solution to transfer contacts from Outlook to iCloud? Have you ever tried any manual approach to move Outlook address book to iCloud? Does not find any suitable method to migrate contacts to iCloud? So, do not worry, we have come up with the most secure and relevant solution that can import Outlook contacts to iCloud.

Before proceeding with the steps to migrate contacts from Outlook to iCloud, let's take a look at the Microsoft Outlook.
In today’s arena, Outlook has become the first choice of the Organizations. Microsoft Outlook provides features like email, contact, journal, task, and so on. It is also considered as the one of the best email application across the globe. Apart from the email service, Contacts in Outlook play a major role. In simple words, Outlook address book is the new look of a traditional address book. MS Outlook contacts comprise a name, email id, address and contact image and so on. But, every application has its own pros and cons. Outlook does not provide the high security as compare to iCloud. Moreover, the data saved on iCloud has minimum risk of corruption and it is easily accessible. So, users tend to import Outlook contacts to iCloud. Therefore, in this write-up, we will discuss some methods by which user can easily upload Outlook contacts to iCloud in a proper way.
User Query:
“Hello, I was using Microsoft Lumia and using the Outlook email application in it. I saved all my contacts in Outlook address book. Recently, I purchased the iPhone and I want to move Outlook address book to iCloud. But I do not have any technical knowledge and it is hard to understand any method. So, kindly suggest me how do I move my Outlook contacts to iCloud.”
The necessity to Import Outlook Contacts to iCloud
Due to the advanced features and high security, users choose iCloud over the Outlook. There are several reasons to migrate Outlook contacts to the iCloud domain. Some of the major reasons are discussed here:
1. iCloud account can be opened from everywhere through an internet connection
2. iCloud provides free storage space on the web and high-security measures
3. There is almost no risk of data loss and corruption in iCloud
How to Copy Outlook Contacts to iCloud Manually?
There are two ways by which a user can import Outlook contacts to iCloud. The following methods are described here:
1. Convert PST to vCard File
2. Sending Contacts as an Attachment
Method #1: Convert PST to vCard
Outlook stores it all mailbox data in one PST (or Personal Storage Table) file. Furthermore, vCard is a contact file format that is supported by the iCloud. So, in order to import Outlook contacts to iCloud, it is a required to export PST contacts to vCard. To do so, perform these following five steps that are listed here:
1.Save Outlook Contacts to CSV
2.Move CSV to WAB Format
3.Import WAB to vCard
4.Migrate vCard to Gmail
5.Copy Outlook Contacts to iCloud
Step 1: Save Outlook Contacts to CSV
1. Launch MS Outlook desktop based application on your system.
2. Click on File tab. A pop-out menu will appear and choose Open & Export.
3. From the Open, select Import/Export option.
4. Now, select Export to a file >> Next.
5. Select Comma Separated Values >>Next.
6. Select a location of the resultant CSV file under the Browse option.
7. Click on Next to continue the process.
8. Finally, click on Finish button.
9. After a few seconds, all the Outlook contacts will save in the CSV format. Then, follow the below method to proceed further to move Outlook contacts to iCloud.
Step 2: Move CSV file to WAB Format
1. Click on Export from the same screen.
2. Select vCard format and click on Export.
3. Navigate the location where the exported file will be saved.
4. Click on Finish button.
Step 3: Import WAB to vCard
1. Click on Export from the same screen.
2. Select vCard format and click on Export.
3. Navigate the location where the exported file will be saved.
4. Click on Finish button.
Note: The resultant vCard file has vCard 2.1 version. On the other hand, iCloud support vCard 3.0 and 4.0 versions. So, if the users import Outlook contacts to iCloud, it will generate an error message. To overcome this problem, move the output vCard 2.1 files into a Gmail account. After that, import into the iCloud.
Step 4: Migrate vCard to Gmail
1. Move the entire Outlook contacts to Google account.
2. Then, open your Google accounts with the credentials.
3. Open the Google Contacts. Click on More option.
4. Select Import option from the menu.
5. Now, move all contacts in vCard format.
6. Finally, click on Export button.
Step #5: Copy Outlook Address Book to iCloud
1. Open your iCloud account with proper credentials.
2. Select the Contacts option from the menu.
3. After that, click on Gear icon.
4. Finally, import the vCard file into iCloud successfully.
The above-discussed process will surely import Outlook contacts to iCloud but if any case, this, the method does not work because of any technical reason, you should go for a below-mentioned process.
Method #2: Direct Method to Export Outlook Contacts to iCloud
1. Initially, open the Outlook account.
2. Click on the Contacts option.
3. Select the Send as Business Cards option.
4. In this step, you need to enter email ID and password.
5. After that, download the contacts from the email ID.
6. At last, import the downloaded contact to iCloud.
Shortcomings of Manual Method to Import Outlook Contacts to iCloud
The manual method is a free solution but has lots of limitations. The major ones are mentioned here:
1. It is evident from the above that it is a lengthy and complicated process
2. Any mishandling occur at any step may lead to data loss
3. Technical knowledge is required to understand the procedure
Effortless Solution to Transfer Contacts from Outlook to iCloud
It is clear from the above that manual method comes up with lots of limitations. Moreover, there is a risk of data loss or corruption during the process. So, users can go for the alternate solution. One of the secure and reliable software is vCard Export tool. This tool is designed to convert Outlook contacts to vCard, WAB, Google contacts, and Yahoo contacts. It is a utility that effectively moves the Outlook supported PST file to vCard format. Apart from this, it has a user-friendly interface that makes the entire process so simple and easy. Furthermore, the software has several other features that are listed below:
1.Migrate only contacts from Microsoft Outlook address book
2.Export contacts into vCard, WAB, Google, and Yahoo contacts
3.Provides to add single Personal Storage file or add the folder
4.Keep the original format structure after the export process
5.Combine & move Outlook contacts with multiple email clients
6.Installation of Microsoft Outlook is required in the system
In this article, we have covered the manual approaches to import Outlook contacts to iCloud in a proper way. Due to its limitation, also discussed an automated approach named as the vCard Export tool. This tool export Outlook address book to iCloud without any data loss. So, as per the need, users can select any of the methods to convert their Outlook contacts in iCloud.