How to bring visitors to your blog? Learn right now!
You have a blog and are posting amazing content. But how to bring visitors to it? Learn right now!
The blogs are a powerful marketing tool. But your results depend on the traffic, ie the number of people who actually visit the blog and read your posts.
In other words, if you want to have a successful blog, you need to find ways to generate traffic.Therefore, I have selected some strategies which can attract more visitors to your blog.
Basic Strategies
First, let's summarize the art of generating traffic in just three steps. And they are:
1. Write very good content on your blog
Good content has two essential characteristics: it brings relevant information about the subject. To write quality content, you need to work out the guidelines, research references, and train hard to improve your writing.
A good strategy is to read popular blog posts, even if they are not from the same area as yours, which are more inspirational.Have a critical eye and try to identify what these blogs are doing and why they best.
2. Tell the right people about it
You've worked hard on your content, but it will not do any good if people do not know it exists. So, telling the right people is an important step.
One of the most effective ways to get your content out is through social networks.
For example, how about dropping your most recent post in a LinkedIn group? With just a few minutes, you take a direct link to your blog to hundreds or thousands of users!
3. Write very good content on other blogs, that have more audience or a different audience than yours.
This is the called guest posting. You'll be a "guest speaker" on someone else's blog. Thus, you attract those readers to know your content more thoroughly and creates an excellent opportunity to generate qualified traffic.
But beware: this strategy only makes sense when there is some relationship between the people who read this blog and those who might be interested in its content.You're not going to put a guest post on Motorcycles in a content-focused blog for women, right?
4. Use e-books to generate traffic
In the past, publishing a book was difficult and expensive. Today, you can do this independently and with zero cost.
And that possibility opened the door to a new opportunity for generating traffic.There are several platforms available to anyone who wants to become a true author, such as Kindle (from Amazon), Publish (from Saraiva) and Google Play Books.
What really matters is that you enjoy this e-book as a way to redirect users directly to your blog.You can do this directly or indirectly. An example of the first case is to place the link to your blog at the beginning or end of the e-book
5. Create great titles for your content
The title of the post is like the cover of a book. If you do not get attention, people will go right through it.So creating curiosity-inspiring titles is a clever strategy to get that first "hook" on your blog visitors. Then, if the content is consistent with the expectations created, they will become loyal readers.
How do you create great titles
• Be Accurate. This is not only related to the reader's experience, but also to the ranking of content. Posts with titles up to 70 characters are worth winning because they are not cut in the display in search results.
• Optimize with keywords. This is a basic level recommendation: if you are concerned about SEO, put the keyword in the title of the content.
• Ask for opinions. After all, why work blindly if you can test the result before you officially publish your content? Show the prepared title to some people and ask for their opinion. Focus on finding out if they would be tempted to stop your normal activities to click on a post with that title or not.
6. Create posts of the ideal size
The size of the post also influences its ability to generate traffic. According to Yoast, known for its SEO tools for blogging, content should always have more than 300 words.
What about the maximum size?
Well, that's where the question gets complicated. Very long posts, with 1000 words or more, have better chances of ranking in Google and other search engines.This means they will be found more easily and, therefore, receive more views.But size is not everything! In addition, you need solid information to pass.
You cannot expect your blog to succeed if you post 3000-word content that does not add real value to the reader.
7. Look out for consistency
But it is no use merely to write long content; it has to maintain its consistency and, despite its size, should be easy to read.Of course, to achieve this level of quality in a post with more than 1000 words, you must be careful in its elaboration.
Some important points are the use of bold (just to highlight the main ideas); creating lists with bullet points; numbering of topics, and special attention to the distribution of paragraphs.
8. Use tools to generate new ideas
When we summarize the process of generating traffic, the first point raised was "writing very good content", right?
How to Write Remarkable content.
Many people will agree that remarkable content depends on a good subject, an innovative idea.Sometimes even the best writers feel lost, with no ideas. But the good news is that there are tools that can help you beat that creative white and discover new subjects for a blog post.
Two of these tools are Buzzsumo and Ubersuggest.
The Buzzsumo allows you to search for a keyword, and then see a list of posts already published using this keyword. For each of the posts listed, Buzzsumo displays the number of shares received on different social networks. So, you can find out what has already worked out, in relation to content on a particular topic.
Ubersuggest allows you to search a keyword and then scans the entire web to display related searches. So you can go from something simple, like "blogging" to a much more elaborate idea
But remember these are just tools to light up some sparks, or rather potential ideas for posts. They will not replace the research work required to effectively write the content.
9. Develop evergreen content
The term evergreen refers to content that continues to generate traffic even years after its publication. They are a good because you can attract more visitors with less effort.First of all, the subject of the post has to be something permanent.
Let's use the marketing as an example. Things get quickly out of it. So you need to pursue what has the most potential to interest for a long time.At the same time, try to choose themes that are so common. If you choose to write on a subject that no one had written. It will have less competition and therefore greater chances of remaining relevant in the long run.
10. Use Quora to search for subjects
When you are preparing guidelines for your blog, keep in mind that the traffic generated by these content will be directly proportional to the interest of people.Fortunately, there is a good way to discover subjects that can bring the curiosity of the audience.
Quora is a free online service where any user can ask a question and receive answers from experts and ordinary people. It is a good reflection of the doubts your reader probably has in store.
So get the subject you want to write about and do a quick search on Quora to find out what questions are being asked about this topic. If you find a recurring question, try to answer it in the form of a post. Thus, you will have content that is effectively relevant and capable of attracting more visitors.
11. Include links to your blog everywhere
This is a simple and effective tip for those blogs that are just beginning to generate traffic.Put the link to your blog in your email signature. Share with close contacts through social networks. If you use business cards, include the electronic address of your blog.
12. Make it easy for a reader to always return to your blog.
Just as traditional marketing it is easier to keep an active customer than winning a new one, the same goes for the audience in digital marketing.
In other words, it is easier to generate recurring traffic from a reader that always comes back than fetching many new readers.It is therefore ideal that you should develop new ways for a visitor to easily return to your blog.
Another valuable tip is to make the form as lean as possible - preferably, that the visitor need only put name and email. To complete, you can make an offer (for example, download a free e-book) to encourage the reader to sign up.
13. Comment on other blogs as well as forums and groups
At the beginning, we talked about writing guest posts as a strategy to generate traffic. However, that is not the only way to get readers.Basically, any kind of interaction where you can contribute solidly and establish your authority over a subject will generate curiosity and then bring more people to your blog.
So an interesting suggestion - and that takes little time and effort - is to engage in conversations on blogs, forums, and large-audience groups.But be careful: the purpose is not to spam, but to really add value.
Your goal should be to demonstrate that you have knowledge about the subject. This way, anyone reading your comments will want to find out what other content you produce.