As technology transforms each minute so is the healthcare delivery industry. A new online startup is trying carve its niche by providing patients right advice and option to choose the doctor and hospital for all kinds of surgeries. Surgivisor, is an online platform help you make a sensible choice when it a matter of your life.
Healthcare needs customer experience management tools to ensure quality delivery to a patient which needs urgent attention. An online platform like Surgivisor assists and provides expert assistance to patients who need to book appointments for surgeries. It supports patients to choose wisely and understand their medical ailments for which surgery is needed especially when there is lot of confusion once a patient is advised a surgery.
How it works
Patients can just go to their site and have endless information and background about every hospital and doctor in their list. So far their database includes 6000+ doctors, 1500 + surgeries, 350+hospitals and 50+ medical specialties while they plan to have many on board in next one year.
Journey so far
In less than 5 months of patient interaction this startup has helped more than 300 patients, by guiding them choose the right hospital and doctor for several medical surgeries … No matter in which part of the country you are, today, you have easy access to different healthcare service providers on the basis of procedures, doctors, location, services, insurance, etc under one roof.
What led to the inception of this 10 months old startup was the vision of providing services related to surgeries through a single platform in more accessible and affordable manner. Also, passing on the benefits to the patients. Founded by Mr. Sumeet Khanna, a healthcare expert for over 20 years, this was a dream come true
Sumeet Khanna, Founder, Surgivisor, “I saw a lady with a severe medical condition running around from one place to another and still looking for best doctor and right hospital. So I thought why we cannot get all these facilities at our doorstep and that’s when we thought to have Surgrivisor. The idea is to take these services to people sitting in small towns where we have access to internet and phones but can’t keep coming from their again and again as body doesn’t allow nor people have time.”
The journey began with only 4 key members from healthcare industry and tie-up with only 10 hospitals now it has a bank of 350+ hospitals. The growth for this start up has been remarkably well and the number is on the rise continuously. It now focuses to extend the facility within 300-400km radius of Delhi NCR.
Data Reliability
The Data displayed on their site is transparent and verified; it’s a 4 stage process where help is taken from their partner hospitals. The hospitals mentioned on the website comes under certain criteria along with an official MOU or agreement, unlike many other players who have no formal engagement.
Their forte is dealing with critical medical issues mostly Surgeries, the impact of one unorganized surgery at human life is disastrous from money issues to health concern. The in-house Medical Experts and on Board Doctors assist the patients in understanding more about his/her condition and treatment options. They are backed by KPO which gives counseling sessions to patients & family for emotional preparedness
For Surgivisor, from query generation to understanding patient’s requirement and fixing an appointment takes not more than 30 min approx. Once a patient or user has pin pointed a Hospital and Doctor of his choice, fixing an appointment takes not more than 15 to 20 minutes. A confirmation mail and message is sent to both parties immediately too.
Sumeet Khanna, Founder, Surgivisor, “Understanding the industry we are in we are always on our toes with our services. Efforts are made to provide hassel-free and convenient process for patients by understanding their requirements. We look into all aspects from patient’s travel to stay, from doctors consultations till the time patient is discharged. All this planned prior to his arrival.”
He adds, “To ensure credibility and excellence in our service, we regularly monitor potential service failures or any issue concerning the treatment or procedure of the surgery by the patient and provide the most effective solution without impacting patient in any which way.”
Robust search specific platform
However, the challenge for them was to build a user friendly platform with relevant information that meets the expectations of every user. The content should be correct, transparent, credible, reliable and unbiased, with website giving best user experience. Data Collection, Data Mining, Data Mapping and Search Optimization were additional challenges that the company worked on and then sensitizing people correctly to make informed decision.
The Aim
Five years down the line they see themselves addressing queries and become reference point of international patients who wants to come to India for treatment and looking forward for best options. They intend to become a point contact for all surgical needs for patients.
Increase use of Smart Phones and faster Internet connectivity has given users a new horizon to find anything and everything online. With this the patient awareness has also increased. They can search about various diseases and their related surgeries. Ease of data availability has enhanced their thoughts and choices. So, there is an excellent opportunity for both user and Surgivisor.
Hundreds of frauds have been reported in the name of cheap treatment and medical tourism in India alone. Thus, making the role of such start-ups crucial.
Surgivisor is bridging the gap between patients and Hospitals by enabling people, both in India and abroad, to access transparent, reliable and unbiased information. Their services help patients to stay in their homes longer, save money, and have peace of mind.