Tips to Maintain Your Love Life in Entrepreneurial World
A lot of entrepreneurs love what they do, but at the same time struggle to maintain a work‐life balance.
Working convenient hours, having free time to spend with your life partner and also getting adequate sleep and meals is an intangible goal for most of the entrepreneurs. It is a hustle to maintain all the things at a time.
Many entrepreneurs find themselves observed in the day to day needs of their work life and it becomes difficult for them to have a break away even for an hour or much less to sit with their loved one.
Sometimes the demands of your work can take a toll on your home life.
Clearly, a 24/7 work requirement can sometimes make it difficult to balance the presence and focus that is required to maintain a healthy relationship. This leads to the entrepreneurs wondering how to maintain a healthy relationship in their daily life.
But it is not an impossible task after all.
There are a lot of people out there who are running successful businesses and still have a great deal of time for their family and partners. They are great in business and are also supportive and always available for their partner.
Your business takes a lot of work, so do relationships. Both require time, commitment and patience to be successful and last long.
This article is for all those who are stuck in loveless relationships and those who have partners that always complain about not being taken care off.
Here are a few tips that will help all the busy entrepreneurs in improving their relationship with their partner and maintaining it along with leading a flourishing and successful business.
Strive for Equilibrium
Forget about maintaining a perfect work‐life balance, instead, aim for a healthy equilibrium and you will see more success.
Get your work to home sometimes and try to involve your partner in making some of the creative ideas or fulfilling challenges of business. This is a fun way of keeping your partner involved and also maintaining a better personal relationship with her.
Make your Partner a Part of your Calendar
Make time for your relationship and try to set aside 20% of your weekly calendar for your partner. Utilise this as your connection time with them. You can either go out on a date, a movie, a walk, a good massage in a spa or just make dinner together or do whatever you both are interested in.
Carving out time for your partner in your calendar lets them know that they are a priority for you and this helps in flourishing your relationship.
Appreciate and Praise
Who does not like being praised and appreciated?
Make it a point to do this regularly and let your partner know how much you love them, how important they are, what you love most about them and how they bring joy to your life.
Praise them for all their good qualities and things that they do for you. Appreciate their presence in your life and make them feel important.
Be Transparent
Always be transparent and honest with your partner. Share how your work is going on and the struggle that you have to face at work. Seek advice from her and include her in your plans.
Be Romantic
Don't treat your partner like an employee, a client or an investor. Switch your mindset before you go home and keep your business and love‐life separate.
Involve Her
Whenever there is a business event, ask her to go out with you. Introduce her to all the people you know and let her know that you are delighted to be with her.
Learn from your Mistakes
Sometimes a mistake can cost a great deal and it is inevitable that everyone makes mistakes. A good thing that you can do is to learn from your mistakes and grow so that you can change what needs to be changed in order to help you and your relationship in the future.
Communication builds trust. So communicate reassuringly and do it much often. Total lack of communication or the inability to be able to communicate effectively can affect your relationship negatively.
Poor or no communication leads to resentment, mistrust and can ruin the relationship. So communicate with your partner as often as you can.
Frequent communication lays the perfect foundation for a balanced relationship. It also expands your partner's trust in you and comes in as a great support while you are away or when issues arise.
Stop and Unplug
You cannot be doing all the things at all times even if you are good at everything. Make it a point to take some time off from your business and focus on other things that give you relaxation.
Sometimes in order to be dedicated to your business, you need to disconnect from the business for a little while and join back with a fresh mind, so you can get better at things. Also, keep your focus on the solidity and strength of your relationship with your partner.
Learn to say “No”
Being an entrepreneur, it is very easy to slide down and say yes to every single opportunity you get. You might get tempted to say yes to every client, every task that comes your way, no matter it is a big one or a small one.
It might seem very difficult for you to say no, but in order to maintain a balance between your work and personal life and to be able to give time to your partner, it is very important to say no a few times.
Sometimes it is ok to let go of a few clients or opportunities to be able to give time to your personal life. Learning to say no is a vital task.
Utilise your Partner
Having a loving and understanding partner who understands the importance of your business and the career you want to build out of it and is also willing to actively support you on your way to the top is the best thing to have.
Your partner can be your most utilized tool in your prevailing entrepreneurship. Choose your partner wisely, respect their opinion, love their point of view and hear what they have to say about things that are important to both of you. Your partner can have a lot to offer to your business and help you grow in it.
Even if they do not completely understand what you do in your business, they can still be the best person to talk to and bounce ideas off. So choose a partner who is willing to give in their 100% in the relationship and also understand that entrepreneurship for you is your passion.
Your partner can be your lifeline who will remind you that you are the best person for the job you are doing and will be your biggest cheerleader at all times. Your partner can be the greatest asset of your business.
Both business and relationships are energy based activities. When you put in time, energy and love into them, they give back the same in return in two folds.
So, give your relationship a good percentage of your time and focus and you will see that it will start skyrocketing and will keep your partner happy.
You do not have to be a Casanova or pretend to be one. All you have to do is, give undivided attention to your partner as you give to your business.