Impassioned for Marketing, I had always been zealous for participating fests, a challenging event or any such happening in college. This ended up marketing myself well enough that people started calling me a Marketing Guru that even my name is bygone. I was way too creative for a 9 to 5 job that I started my own venture post studies and worked on the sales.
Here’s when the real lesson started. Have you ever been slapped by someone in your life? A real hard slap? Well, I had a much harder blow. I started flying by the seat of my pants but brimming with a ‘Know-it-all’ attitude. Wherever I went, I was made to wait for hours together and I was all ears if someone would even respond. Even after following the requisite procedures in getting an appointment, I was never allowed to meet the desired official. I decided to bite the bullet and went on. But as days passed by, I was losing faith, offended and driven away even by the security guards. I cried deep inside, biting the dust.
Couldn't hold it any longer, I started talking about this to my friends. Most of them were only glad that I struggle. They said, ‘He is just another nerd who lacks any skill.’ Adding insult to the injury, I soon became an object of scorn by everyone I knew. They laughed at me and asked to drop this insane business and join some IT firm just like any of them.
I counted on every single blow. I took two days off from office. I did not want to lose faith, after all the one who trust in you is none other than You, Yourself! I thought over and over again on the setback. I re-invented myself.
At the drop of a hat, I left all my presumptions far behind, started to walk out considering myself a starter, an enthusiast, an independent learner. I enjoyed having tea with the guards outside, waited in the same place even for a day with a smile. Besides business, I talked to officials even subjects of common interests. Patience helped. Perseverance paid off. I worked relentlessly. I went places, observed people, learnt them and won their hearts eventually. I was a great success at work. Of course there were times when you feel down, when each slap is the real boosts. I never cared to slap them back because if not for those slaps, I wouldn't be what I’m now.
Love slaps :)